As if we haven’t seen enough horror movies in 2023, The Exorcist: Believer has finally come to theaters. The film is the sixth installment of The Exorcist franchise, serving as a direct sequel to the original movie released in 1973. Directed by David Gordon Green (Halloween Kills, Halloween Ends), it follows the exorcism of two girls set 50 years after Regan MacNeil’s. The movie might not end abruptly, but it does end with some open-ended threads. So, you might be wondering if The Exorcist: Believer has a post-credits scene, or anything else at the end of the credits that provides any insight into where the next film might go.
Is There a Post-Credits Scene in The Exorcist: Believer?
You don’t need to worry, The Exorcist: Believer does not have a post-credits scene. There is nothing after the credits, so when they begin to roll feel free to leave the theater. You could always wait to read the names of all the people who worked on the movie, but that’s your decision. It didn’t really need a post-credits scene, although we could have used one final scare. A sequel to the film is already in the works – although a rocky reception might put those plans on hold – so we could’ve used a scene pointing to what we can expect from The Exorcist: Deceiver.
Instead of a post-credits scene, a scene toward the end of The Exorcist: Believer felt like it might have been a seed for the sequel. Be warned, the rest of this article contains major spoilers for the end of the movie. The one legacy character that appeared in The Exorcist: Believer is Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn), whose daughter Regan (Linda Blair) was possessed in the original movie. During the movie, Chris ends up hospitalized, without her vision. At the end of the film, Linda Blair returns as Regan, seemingly mending her relationship with her mother.
If the title of the sequel, The Exorcist: Deceiver does not refer to either of the possessed girls, Angela (Lidya Jewett) or Katherine (Olivia Marcum), it could easily refer to Regan. Either way, the scene did play like it could have been included as a post-credits scene instead. Ultimately, we won’t know more until information about the sequel is released, including if it’s still going ahead. The acquisition rights reportedly cost $400 million, so it’s not looking good for the future of the franchise. You can watch The Exorcist: Believer in theaters from October 6, 2023.