The official Doom VFR launch trailer was released yesterday for fans to know what they are getting themselves into, as the game was released for the PlayStation on the same day. The trailer gives you a quick preview of the teleport system and killing a few of the monsters.
The PlayStation blog has also given users some tips on how to play the new game along with telling players that they will never be short of guns even though they may find the monsters difficult to defeat. On the PlayStation blog, it states that:
“While the PlayStation VR aim controller puts the weaponry of Doom VFR firmly in your hands, it isn’t the only way to play! The latest trailer below showcases the additional ways in which you can control Doom VFR. Not having a PS VR Aim controller doesn’t limit you at all in the demon slaying carnage, as you can control and shoot entirely with a Dualshock 4 wireless controller or two PlayStation Move motion controllers while surrounding yourself in virtual hell.”
The PlayStation blog also says that “Movement is key”, referring to using the flash teleportation and short dashing to players advantage to kill monsters. The blog also touched on some other points that were valuable for players that are currently struggling on the game.
The game was released on Steam as well on November 30, 2017, which is a day earlier than the PlayStation version. Doom VFR, the first-person shooter game developed by id Software, currently has mixed reviews on Steam with only 55% of users of 474 writing positive reviews about the game. The negative reviews have mostly focused on the gun angle and the bugs that have come along with this game as well as the fact that there is not a full-locomotion option, but there is only flash teleportation and short dashing instead.