What is Dragon Ball Super? Is it a remaster of Dragon Ball GT in the same vein that Dragon Ball Kai was to Dragon Ball Z?

No. Thanks to an article by Famistu, we now know that Dragon Ball Super is a brand new series in the DB Universe. The story takes place after the fall of Buu, and is set to not only include your favorite Z fighters, but will also introduce new enemies, much stronger than Buu and even Freeza. The series will debut in Japan this July. No announcement has been made for the rest of the world, though with every iteration of Dragon Ball localized for western audiences, it would be surprising if this one wasn’t.
The best news? Original creator Akira Toriyama will return to write for the new series.
The news broke at a cinema showing of the newest Dragon Ball feature film, Revival of F/Resurrection F, where Freeza is brought back to life thanks to the power of the Dragon Balls. The movie has already premiered in Japan with a U.S. premier date set for this fall.

This will be the first new Dragon Ball TV series to debut in 18 years, the last being Dragon Ball GT, which wasn’t as well received as DB or DBZ due to the lack of support by Akira Toriyama(GT wasn’t based off any of the manga he created for the series). The news isn’t entirely surprising, with Dragon Ball regaining new ground and popularity with the release of the last film, Battle of Gods. Still, it’s thrilling to know our small screens will be once again filled with epic battles, powerful warriors, and Goku’s hungry stomach.

Does the news for a new Dragon Ball series excite you? Will we get new heroes along with the already teased villians? Will there be a Super Saiyan level 5? Stay tuned to The Nerd Stash as more news is revealed.