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Although there are many dungeons that you must explore during your journey, some are optional content that you can skip. However, if there is one area you must visit in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, it is the Tower of Transcendence dungeon. You can find this location north of Alltrades Abbey. Although not connected to any story quest, this area contains treasure chests and important items. Unfortunately, this dungeon is confusing due to its multiple floors and teleportation circles.
How To Complete Tower of Transcendence Dungeon in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

There are several teleportation circles that you can use in Dragon Quest 3 Remake‘s Tower of Transcendence dungeon. If you want to enter the closest portal near the entrance, you’ll be taken to an isolated chamber where you can meet with an old man. There’s nothing interesting here, so you should just skip it.
I suggest climbing up the southwestern stairs first so you can find a Catula monster. If you go up and reach the third floor, you can find a chest containing one Dieamend. This item can protect its holder from a deadly strike once.
If you want to go up, you need to climb up the northwestern stairs. After walking through a tightrope, you can pass through a portal that will lead you to three staircases on the first floor. The north and south stairs will bring you to dead ends with treasure chests, while the center staircase will take you up.
Keep climbing up the Tower of Transcendence until you find a second tightrope. This one will have a red flag in the middle. I suggest continuing to go up so you can grab another treasure chest on the highest floor. After claiming the Hermes Hat, you can return to the tightrope.
You must now jump down the rope to land in another area. After jumping into the hole in the roof, you can continue to head down until you reach the second floor. On the eastern side, you can find a treasure chest that contains Words of Wisdom. This is the key item required to turn a party member into a Sage class.
All Treasure Chest Locations
Here’s the list of all items that you can discover in the Tower of Transcendence dungeon in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:
Floor | Item | Location |
1F | Sparring Suit | South of the teleportation circle near the entrance. |
2F | Catula | Climb up the southwestern staircase to find this monster in the middle of the room. |
2F | Words of Wisdom | You need to climb up to the top and jump down the tightrope with a red flag. |
3F | Dieamend | Climb up the stairs near the Catula to find it inside a treasure chest. |
3F | Silver Tiara | You need to climb up the northern staircase until you reach the third floor. |
3F | Mini Medal | You must climb up the southern staircase until you get to the third floor. |
4F | Battle Fork | Go down the stairs on the fifth floor to find this treasure chest. |
4F | Gold Coins | After taking the center staircase on the first floor, head up the southern stairs to find a treasure chest. |
5F | Hermes Hat | On the western side of the fifth floor. |