Killing Floor 2 (currently in Early Access) is available on Steam and looks as good as it plays. John Gibson, one of the lead developers from Tripwire graced the PC Gamer show today showcasing Killing Floor 2 on PC.

Killing Floor 2 is an early access title that is developed by Tripwire and is available to purchase and play now on Steam, and John Gibson promises “there will be no more stat wipes, so come on, come and play our game”.
It’s an awesome, gut wrenching, high adrenaline experience which words can do no justice. Although a review is probably on my to do list. Go forth and enjoy this stellar addition to the early access market.
Killing Floor 2: A 6-player co-op Zed-slaughtering mayhem. In Early Access so we can get the gameplay balance perfected, to ensure the maximum amount of fun. And blood and guts.