Straight from Nintendo’s E3 Digital Conference, a brand new Zelda game has been announced: The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes. The game will be coming to the Nintendo 3DS in Fall 2015.

Tri Force Heroes will be the first Legend Of Zelda game to have co-up as its central focus and mechanic. It is designed to be played with three players simultaneously. Using a new “Totem” mechanic, players can team up to solve puzzles, take on enemies and defeat tough bosses.
Tri Force Heroes borrows the 2D/3D mash up look from previous 3DS Zelda games, but most notably from A Link Between Worlds.

Legends will feature all of the content that appeared in the Wii-U original, but it will also include all of the DLC that came after it. In addition to this, Legends will also include new levels and characters from other Zelda games that were not in the original.