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For many the Elden Ring equivalent to Solaire of Astora, Iron Fist Alexander has a quest that is just as rewarding as it is conflicting, especially given how the Tarnished and the Jar Warrior can form an unlikely bond during their travels. But how can you complete his quest? Here’s how to complete the Iron Fist Alexander quest and see the end of his tale.
How to Complete the Iron Fist Alexander Quest in Elden Ring, A Step-by-Step Guide
Before we begin, it’s important to point out that you will automatically skip the first parts of Alexander’s questline at no drawback once you join the Combat Festival at Redmane Castle. If you already reached the area or want to begin at that point, click here to jump to the third step of our guide right away.
Alexander Quest Part 1: A Fateful Encounter at Stormhill
You can begin the Iron Fist Alexander questline in Elden Ring by meeting him while he is stuck in the ground at Stormhill. More specifically, you can find him by heading to the spot showcased below, located south of the Saintsbridge Site of Grace.
After talking to him there, simply hit him in the back a few times with a melee weapon and then exhaust his dialogue to unlock the next step.
Alexander Quest Part 2: Meeting at Gael Tunnel
Following your meeting at Limgrave, head to Gael Tunnel, where you will be able to find Alexander in a room at the end of the dungeon. After talking to him and exhausting his dialogue there, I recommend that all players rocking an Intelligence/Dexterity build open the gate right of the room and try their luck against the Magma Wyrm there. Once defeated, the boss will drop the Moonveil katana.
Part 3: Redmane Castle and Facing Radahn
After talking to him in the areas above or arriving at Redmane Castle for the first time, you will be able to continue (or trigger) Alexander’s questline by exhausting his dialogue both before and after the battle with what is left of Starscourge Radahn. You can check out the spot where you can meet Alexander at the castle in the image below.
Part 4: Liurnia of the Lakes and a Familiar Peril
Now that you defeated Radahn, head to Liurnia of the Lakes and meet Alexander at the spot marked below, located south of the Artist’s Shack Side of Grace. To advance in his quest, you must throw any kind of Oil Pot variant at him and then exhaust his dialogue.
Part 5: Mt. Gelmir and an Unusual Training Method
You will be able to complete the fifth part of his questline by meeting Alexander at Mt. Gelmir, where he will be taking a lava bath. Once at the area, you can find him by heading to the spot marked in the image below, located southwest of the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace. Be advised, as the area will be guarded by a Magma Wyrm.
After talking to Alexander, you will receive the Jar helmet made famous by legendary player Let Me Solo Her and unlock the final step in his questline.
Part 6: A Duel at the Crumbling City
You will be able to complete the Alexander quest in Elden Ring by meeting him atop a large arena located in the spot marked below on Crumbling Farum Azula. I was able to reach the area by heading north of the Dragon Temple Lift Site of Grace.
Once you meet him there, Alexander will challenge you to a duel which you can trigger by talking to him a second time. After the battle ends, he will make you one last request and then die, leaving behind both the Shard of Alexander talisman (which will boost your Skill damage by 15%) and the Alexander’s Innards key item. Keep in mind that Alexander is immune to Fire damage when preparing to fight him.
Epilogue: What to do With Alexander’s Innards?
The Alexander’s Innards key item can be given to Jar Bairn —a young Jar Warrior deeply connected to both Alexander and Diallos— during the final part of their questline. You can meet Jar Bairn by heading to Jarburg, as well as check out how to complete their quest in our Where to Find Jar-Bairn and How to Complete His Quest guide.
You will receive the Companion Jar talisman after giving the item to Jar Bairn. Once equipped, the item will increase the damage of throwable pots by 20%.
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