Queen’s Blood is one hell of a game. Really. Just about everyone and their chocobo plays the game and are eager to find their next opponent. I went through every trial put before me and challenged the Shadowblood Queen herself, coming out victorious. As a result, I have a list of every Queen’s Blood player you can encounter in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and what you can win from them.
FF7 Rebirth: All Queen’s Blood Players

The way that Queen’s Blood works in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is by rank. Depending on how many people you play against, you earn a rank that then allows you to progress to a powerful, boss-like player. The players are broken down by region, and some regions will even have more players as you journey through the story. In total, there are 30 players that you can challenge.

- Nene (Mr. Cuddlesworth) – Kalm
- Reward: #12 Cactuar / Standard
- Zahira – Kalm
- Reward: #17 Screamer / Standard
- Ned – Kalm
- Reward: #13 Crystalline Crab / Standard

- Zogan – Port of Under Junon
- Reward: #24 Zemzelett / Standard
- Isabelle – Under Junon
- Reward: #96 Shiva / Legendary
- Darren and Devin – Under Junon
- Reward: #21 Ogre / Standard
- Neil – Crow’s Nest
- Reward: #30 Flame Trooper / Standard
- Michaela – Crow’s Nest
- #27 Mindflayer / Standard
- Cameron – Crow’s Nest
- Condition: Reach Blood Squire Level
- Condition: Defeat nine players
- Reward: #1213 Midgarsormr / Legendary
Shinra-8 Ship

On your journey to the Corel Region, Cloud, and the party decide to go aboard the Shinra-8 ship. On it, you can join their Queen’s Blood Tournament which challenges you against your party members. There are five rounds in total that need to be played and won, each win propelling you into the next round. This is also the moment where Cloud meets Regina, a remarkable Queen’s Blood player with a chip on her shoulder. She claims to be the best, but she’s easily defeated by Cloud who then has to go against Red XIII in a Shinra uniform. This entire tournament is optional, but you will get the chance to understand more about who Regina is as a player. What you do on the ship and whether or not you win here does not affect your Queen’s Blood level.
Corel Region

- Dokaccha – Costa del Sol
- Condition: Reach Chapter 12
- Reward: #74 Rictus / Standard
- Riana – Costa del Sol
- Condition: Reach Chapter 12
- Reward: #77 Diabolical Variant / Standard
- Maahir – Costa del Sol
- Condition: Reach Chapter 12
- Reward: #79 2-C SOLDIER Operative / Standard
- Pietro – The Dustbowl
- Reward: #47 Joker / Standard
- Dax – The Dustbowl
- Reward: #42 Thug / Standard
- Mary – The Dustbowl
- Reward: #43 Death Claw / Standard
- Wize 3.0 Ver. 2.0 – The Dustbowl
- Condition: Reach Blood Knight 2nd Level
- Lidrehl / Specter of the Cards – The Gold Saucer
- Condition: Reach Blood Marquis Level
- Reward: #97 Ramuh / Legendary
- Rolf -North Corel
- Reward: #41 Bomb / Standard
- Biff – North Corel
- Reward: #39 Cockatrice / Standard
- Navalan – North Corel
- Condition: Reach Blood Knight Level
- Condition: Defeat 15 players
- Reward: #38 Bagnadrana / Standard

- Zhujin – Gongaga
- Reward: #55 Great Malboro / Standard
- Landon and Oscar
- Reward: #59 Griffon / Standard
- Regina – Gongaga
- Condition: Reach Blood Tactician Level
- Condition: Defeat 18 players
- Reward: #53 Maloceros / Standard
- Regina / Shadowblood Queen – Gongaga Ruins
- Condition: Reach Blood Executioner Level
- Condition: Defeat 29 players
- Reward: #145 Shadowblood Queen / Legendary
Cosmo Canyon

- Robin – Cosmo Canyon
- Reward: #51 Insectoid Chimera / Standard
- Ka’dina – Cosmo Canyon
- Reward: #66 Two Face / Standard
- Bernard – Cosmo Canyon
- Reward: #61 Reapertail / Standard

- Turner – Nibelheim
- Reward: #68 Valron / Standard
- Dale – Nibelheim
- Reward: #71 Twin Brain / Standard
- Vincent – Shinra Manor
- Condition: Reach Blood Sovereign Level
- Condition: Defeat 28 players
- Reward: #144 Emerald With / Legendary
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available now on the PS5.