Capcom recently held an Exoprimal Showcase live stream in which the game’s Director Takuro Hiraoka discussed what post-launch content we can expect once the game hits the shelves. This includes upcoming game modes, seasons 2 and 3, and cross-over events for Exoprimal. He started off by showing the Final Mission Selection feature. This will allow players to decide what kind of experience they want. PvP, PvE, or random. PvP will put two human-controlled teams of players against each other, while the PvE mode will involve cooperative objectives under a limited amount of time. The random option is fairly obvious, as it will land you in either of the aforementioned modes. But for anyone who wants to go random, they will get extra rewards for making matchmaking easier.
Takuro Hiraoka went on to explain what the future holds for the dinosaur slaying game. Season 1 of Exoprimal starts on launch day and will add a new game mode called Savage Gauntlet on July 28. Hiraoka-San recommends that anyone who wants to give the new mode a shot should be ready for a challenge, and shouldn’t go for it unless they’ve gotten a hang of their Exosuits. The mode will have 5 players take on PvE missions that will change every week.
Exoprimal Post-Launch SF6 & Monster Hunter Content

An update planned for August 16 will add 10 more Exosuits, all of which will bring new abilities and weapons to the game. And as expected, there will be more than one crossover with other Capcom franchises when Season 2 kicks off in October. The new season will bring the previously shown Street Fighter 6 content, which will bring new suits, missions, and a new map as well. Capcom also hinted toward what we can expect in Season 3 of the game, and it will be more crossover content with Monster Hunter and will come with even more Exosuits and a new Neo Triceratops dinosaur.
Exoprimal’s release date is just around the corner on July 14 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,