At the Playstation Experience event over the weekend, Capcom introduced the final character that will be available on the Street Fighter V launch roster: F.A.N.G. Check out the trailer for this brand new character:
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Looks weird, right? The trailer shows off a few other new things from Street Fighter V, but let’s break down what the trailer shows us of the new fighter, along with information from Peter “Combofiend” Rosas on a Capcom Unity blog post. F.A.N.G. uses unique poison attacks that will continue to damage his opponent after the attack hits. His V-Skill and V-Trigger both utilize these poison attacks, with no real indication how many of his regular attacks, if any, do. F.A.N.G. also seems like he employs odd movements and tricks to keep opponents guessing. He appears similar in movement and fighting style to the character Voldo from the Soul Calibur series.

Other information can be gathered from the trailer as well. A new stage has been revealed, with giant statues of, presumably, the four leaders of Shadaloo. F.A.N.G. is the new addition, replacing Bison’s former second in command, Sagat. Sagat has not been revealed as either an in-game character or as an upcoming DLC character, so his fate is uncertain at this point in time. Peter Rosas mentions F.A.N.G. as the “self proclaimed second in command” of Shadaloo. Surely this will be part of the underlying story of Street Fighter V?
The trailer also ends by revealing the identities of the new additions to the Street Fighter V roster that will be released in 2016. The six upcoming fighter releases are Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri, and Urien. These characters can be purchased with real money, or slowly unlocked by earning “Fight Money” through completing challenges and competing in Street Fighter V matches. Capcom will also release a season pass that will include all characters and premium outfits for each.

Excited to try out F.A.N.G.? More interested in 2016’s DLC fighters? And whatever happened to the muay thai master, Sagat? Sound off!