F1 24 has been officially revealed by EA Sports through a new trailer that shows off all the upcoming features, game modes, release dates, and more. The game releases on May 31, 2024, on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,
The trailer doesn’t show too much in terms of gameplay, but it does introduce the upcoming modes and features like the overhauled Career Mode, My Team, F1 World, new handling system, and circuit updates, among a few others.
The Dynamic Handling system changes how the cars feel while driving to make their performance more predictable. Codemasters has worked closely with Max Verstappen, the F1 World champion, to make the driving feel realistic with better aerodynamic simulation and engine setup options.
F1 24 Trailer Revealed by EA Sports Shows Release Date
Career mode in F1 24 will allow you to pick from a roster of 20 drivers and play through the mode as them. This is a new addition that hasn’t been seen in the series before. Speaking of new additions, you can now play through the entire career mode with a friend in two-player co-op. The better you perform in the career mode, the more motivated your team will be, which will allow you to either focus on one innovation or balance out all attributes.
Although the game looks pretty much the same as the last entry, the new Dynamic Handling model from Codemasters should allow players to get a better feel for the road while enjoying more realistic physics. Of course, you can always attach a steering wheel to make your game that much more immersive.
Finally, EA Sports is aware that fans want more than just additional tracks in the game, which is why its goal is to add more variety in terms of game modes. The career innovations, improved circuits, and the new broadcast presentation systems are all meant to achieve as much realism as possible.