Take this information with a healthy dose of salt… Also, all videos were supposedly captured on a PS4.
Fallout 4 is less than 48 hours away from release and somebody already has an issue with the game. Over at “The gaming industry’s guiltiest pleasure”, NeoGaf, a thread has appeared that shows footage from a “Day One Patch” in which frame rates dip down well below 30 frames per second. Gameplay footage has been posted to Vid.me and YouTube. (The YouTube link has been taken down.)
Obviously games will dip down below 30 FPS from time to time, but the problem could lay in the language Bethesda used in preparation for the launch of Fallout 4. Back in June, Bethesda tweeted ” Fallout 4 is 1080p & 30fps on
Read comments at your own risk… You’ve been warned.
- The first video shows a significant frame rate drop when action is going down inside a building.
- Video number two highlights the poor frame rate when looking through a weapon’s scope.
- Finally, the third video showcases more frame rate drops in large and complex looking interiors, without any fighting.
Fallout 4 is set for release on November 10th in North America for the PS4,
What do you think of the videos of pre-release footage? Can it be trusted or is this just a disgruntled gamer with a bone to pick? Tell us what you think in the comments below.