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Once you’re out in the Grasslands while playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you’ll meet up with Chadley again. This time, he’ll be using his expertise to help you map out some of the huge regions that you’ll be coming across. Doing this means activating the different remnawave towers, also known as activation towers, of each region. You can check out all of the other intel locations across different regions in our complete guide to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Every FF7 Rebirth Tower Locations

The Activation Intel Towers in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth let you locate other intel locations directly around it. You can find all of the important locations on your own, but using these towers makes it so much easier. I personally recommend taking care of all of the towers whenever you enter a new region. That way, you can fast-travel to them whenever you have downtime so that you can complete all of the intel locations for those regions easily.

In the Grasslands is where you encounter Chadley and your first tower. In total, there are six that you can find and each one points you in the direction of other bits of intel. Four of these towers can be located within the grassier areas while the other two can be found in the Wastelands, just outside of Kalm. In fact, if you fast-travel back to Kalm, you can use the south exit to find those two towers.

Junon only has five activation towers. It’s a relatively small region in comparison to the others, so a lot of the towers are right next to each other. I recommend getting the region’s chocobo before tackling any of these towers. There’s other intel that can be found close by, and many of them require you to scale walls in a way only a chocobo would know how.
Corel Region

Corel has six activation towers in total. Two of them can be found on the north end, closer to Costa del Sol. The latter four can be found in Corel Desert. Since you get the Buggy to help you travel across the desert, you don’t need to get the region’s chocobo. I also really recommend tackling all of these activation towers. Especially since there are so many key locations, it’s always a good idea to have extra places to fast travel to.

Gongaga has five intel towers you can find. The first one can be found right after you enter the region. The other four are closer to Gongaga. It’s a big and convoluted region, with a lot of places to discover including the eponymous village. I highly recommend snagging the region’s chocobo to efficiently get around and grab these intel entries.
Cosmo Canyon

Cosmo Canyon is massive with six towers dotted along the map. Four of these towers are completely separate from the other two. Because there are so many chocobos take-off spots, like most of the regions above, you’ll want to get the region’s chocobo as fast as you can. Fortunately, you can enjoy the view while you’re flying through the air on chocoback.
Nibel Region

The Nibel Region only has four towers. Because so many of the intel locations beside the towers require you to get on these rock islands, getting ahold of the region’s chocobo would be in your best interest. Besides, it’s much more fun to jet and glide over water in comparison to just running on foot.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available now on the PS5.