Square Enix has realized, for the better, that exclusivity deals are not a good thing for its longest-running franchises. The producer of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy, Yoshinori Kitase, has already confirmed that the studio will be doing things differently this time and part 3 will not be exclusive to the PlayStation 6.
The first two parts of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy were exclusive to their Sony console of release for a year or two before making their way to PC. This seemingly won’t be the case with the third part of the series.
Kitase said this in an interview with a Japanese news outlet called 4Gamer when the interviewer mentioned how the first game was limited to PS4, while the second was stuck on the PS5 for a while, that if the third one will have a similar fate.
The producer of the third Final Fantasy 7 Remake game laughed and confirmed that this will not be the case.
Kitase laughed, and replied: “No, you can rest assured about the next one.”
In even more interesting news, development on the third part of the series started right when Final Fantasy Rebirth was released, which means Square Enix has been working on the game for about 9 months already, which is promising news.
Square Enix has already mentioned its exclusivity woes in the past when discussing the relatively disappointing sales numbers for both FF7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16. Audiences on other platforms have shown interest in playing the games, but the exclusivity has put a roadblock up for those sales.
The Final Fantasy 7 Remake director said that he would like to see part 3 of the series be on more platforms than just Team Blue, and even talked about Xbox in an off-hand manner. Naoki Yoshida, the producer of FF16, even said that he’d like to see that game on Xbox consoles.