New details, which have recently surfaced, demonstrate an interesting and previously unknown feature that is going to be part of the often talked about indie title, Firewatch. Firewatch has been garnering much interest since its existence became known to the public. With its extremely pastel art style, which was, in fact, influenced by the government recruitment posters intended to get young men interested in working for the national park system during the 1940’s, mysterious and thrilling narrative, and its mood of isolation and creeping, encroaching danger, all framed within the context of the ever-present natural beauty of the forest, Firewatch has endeared itself to many a gamer.
While it has been pretty clear so far that Firewatch will be a mystery/adventure game focusing on exploring the great Shoshone National Forest in 1989 Wyoming, how exactly that will play out, no pun intended, as far as gameplay is concerned has not been entirely obvious.
With the advent of this new information, things become ever so slightly clearer. The newly revealed info comes in the form of a gameplay mechanic; a branching, potentially optional conversation system. It is quite probable that some things will be necessary to talk about, and some things might end up being useful for you to know and will also help you, both as the character and the player, to understand what is going on, but in general, it seems to be up to you whether or not you wish to continue speaking about any given conversation or topic.
This whole dialogue system looks a lot more dynamic and fluid than comparable systems that are found in other titles. It seems to have many unique possibilities and various quirks all its own. Firewatch debuts on both PC and PS4 on February 9th, 2016.
Got something to say about this article or any of the topics that it discussed or linked to? Are you sad that you must continue waiting, like me, for the inevitable yet infinitely distant release of Firewatch? Discuss it in the comments below.