In some industries, mistakes can carry much more weight and drama than others. Getting the wrong order at Mcdonald’s, for instance, sucks, but ultimately it’s not the end of the world. But an IVF Clinic somehow giving a woman the wrong embryos, then causing a situation where said mom has to give up a 5-month-old after carrying it for 9 months, is a monumental error with devastating results for everyone involved. But that is precisely what happened to a mother in Savannah, Georgia, recently, and she is suing the clinic over it.
In what has to be one of the worst cases of ‘oops’ I’ve seen in quite some time, an IVF clinic named Coastal Fertility Specialists allegedly gave Krystena Murray, who is white and so is her sperm donor, the wrong embryo, which she noted in her lawsuit as ‘very wrong’ when she delivered a ‘dark-skinned African American baby.’ The original couple found out about the mistake and sued Krystena for custody, forcing her to voluntarily give up the baby as she was told there was no way she could win the court case.
The furious Savannah mom was then forced to give up a child that she carried and then bonded with for 5 months, which she says she will never recover from. According to the Independent UK, her statement was as follows.
This has destroyed me. I’m heartsick; I’m emotionally broken. Nothing can express the shock and violation upon learning that your doctor put a stranger’s embryo into your body. To carry a baby, fall in love with him, deliver him, and build the uniquely special bond between mother and baby, all to have him taken away. I’ll never fully recover from this.
Some folks online in a Reddit post by Deebag in the r/interestingasF*** page had some thoughts to share on the terrible news.
“A completely justified lawsuit, I hope she wins and that the clinic treats this with the seriousness it warrants and never allows it to happen again. That poor woman.”
“This is a nightmare. And to find out after five months, after she’s so completely in love with her child. I can’t imagine the heartbreak.”
“They just made her an unwilling, unknowing surrogate and that is absolutely disgusting.”
“Five months of bonding, on top of an entire pregnancy in which she thought this was her (very wanted and planned) child and that she’d be his mother forever. The bonding starts way before birth in that situation.”
The lawsuit is ongoing, but we hope this Georgia woman gets the justice she deserves since no mother should have their baby ripped away like this, and IVF Clinics need to be taken to task for making mistakes this horrific.