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The Tribes of Natlan each have their reputation system and Tribal Chronicle Quests. These are special quests related to the history and culture of each of the Pyro Nation settlements, and each one appeared as the map zones corresponding to the tribes were added. In Genshin Impact 5.2, the developers added the map and quest of the Tribe of Ororon and Citlali, whose first Tribal Chronicle Quest is Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind, where you must escape the sealed space. This quest is full of mystery and spiritual aspects of this Tribe and the start of a series of missions that will put your spiritual power to the test.
How to Trigger the Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind Quest in Genshin Impact
In Genshin Impact pach 5.2, new Natlan settlements appeared, one of them being the Masters of the Night-Wind. So every time there is a new area, the main thing is to go to the Teleport Waypoints to discover the map and then explore the area for materials or quests. However, the Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind quest appears automatically. From here, follow the next steps to complete this quest:

1. Go to the Statue of the Seven, “Masters of the Night-Wind,” in Tezcatepetonco Range, west of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.
2. After you activate the Statue of the Seven, it will instantly start a cutscene with a baby Iktomisaurus and then an adult Iktomisaurus.
3. When the cinematic ends, the Iktomisaurus will guide you to a circular gate with glowing colors in Masters of the Night-Wind Tribe. The gate will open as you approach, and inside is the Iktomisaurus; go next to it.
4. A dialogue with the High Priest Caholom will start, and he will want to take you to the Chief of the Tribe.

5. Go to the Obsidian Altar, the glowing purple circle in the room. Then, interact with it to teleport to where the Chief is.
6. You will arrive at the Sacrificial Altar of Enigmatic Land, where it will start a cinematic with Chief Biham, who will ask you to complete a test to prove your skills.
7. You will have to interact with the Obsian Altar of the area again to accept the test. This will also teleport you to another location again.
How to Escape the Sealed Space in Genshin Impact
If you want to complete the test and the Genshin Impact quest Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind, you must escape the sealed space by doing the following:

1. The quest will ask you to search for clues within the room; these will be marked with a red marker. First, you will find a light in the center of the room pointing to the glowing tapestry hanging from the ceiling.
2. The next clue is in one of the furniture with several blue Tapestries.
3. The last clue is on one of the bookshelves at one of the room’s corners.
4. It will start a cinematic of the Traveler and Paimon talking; when it ends, a new light will appear and a spot to turn you into an Iktomisaurus.

5. Turn into Iktomisaurus and use your Elemental Sight closer to the wall full of climbing plants behind the light. You will see graffiti on the left.
6. Then, use Iktomisaurus’ Spiritscone power, where the plants make a space on the wall; a red symbol will appear, and the wall will disappear.
7. Go to the new room and open the chest.

8. There is a small graffiti at the back of the room, so use the Iktomisaurus’ Spiritscone again to place the object on the base next to it.
9. Another Obsian Altar will appear; interact with it to escape the sealed space.
10. Once you return from the challenge, Biram will talk to you again before ending the quest.
Biram focuses on the Traveler’s powers, which is why Elder Iktomisaurus selected them even though the Traveler and Paimon are outsiders. These powers allow us to see the unique glowing colors in the test tapestries and help us complete the test. In addition, it is all because the Tribe uses the tapestries to ask for guidance from the ancestors. So, Biriam wants to recover the ancient recipe to create these special colors. Then, he wants to use it to weave a tapestry to help them with their spiritual duties. This is very useful in what is coming in Natlan’s story against The Abyss.