Genshin Impact has a sweet gameplay loop when it comes to its bosses. With every version, we get new characters, and those characters require materials to level up. For that, HoYoverse includes some new materials. This makes the game fresh and encourages players to tackle these enemies. It is also a way to make players spend their hard-earned resin in the game. One of the bosses many people farmed for a time was the Ruin Serpent. This boss drops many materials for great characters that improve almost any team. If you want to learn how to locate and defeat the Ruin Serpent in Genshin Impact, we’ve got you covered.
Genshin Impact Ruin Serpent Guide
(Updated on September 5, 2024 – updated links, images, and format)

Many bosses are tied to events or Archon quests. This is good because players get the taste of an easy version of the enemy before farming it for materials. Let’s see how you can unlock, find, and defeat the Ruin Serpent in Genshin Impact.
Unlocking the Ruin Serpent
- Head to The Chasm area
- Complete the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering quest (part of The Chasm Delvers Quest series)
- Once you unlock the underground mines, you’ll have access to the boss
How to locate the Ruin Serpent in Genshin Impact
Reaching the Ruin Serpent is a bit hard due to the layout of the mines. However, once you unlock the teleport beacon, you’ll be good. Here’s how to do it:
- Travel to the camp’s beacon
- Climb the sets of stairs next to the camp
- Cross the bridge and fight off the enemies on top of it if you want
- Keep running until you reach a tunnel
- Follow the tunnel until you find the beacon which leads to the Ruin Serpent
How to Defeat the Ruin Serpent
Once you’ve located the Ruin Serpent, it is time to fight it. The fight isn’t too hard but requires coordination and some extra steps. This is the best strategy:
- Always bring a Claymore user
- Once the fight starts, wait for the Ruin Serpent to spawn some Oozing Areas
- Destroy the yellow crystal with your Claymore user
- Use the light gathered to activate your Lumenstone Adjuvant and destroy the Oozing areas
- Doing so will let you hit the boss harder and paralyze it
Another tip for making this fight easier is to bring Geo users. There’s a lot of opportunity to Crystalize during the fight, which will give you shields to protect you from its attacks. The fight isn’t too hard as long as you dodge all its attacks and keep a distance when the Quicksands attack hits. Doing all of it will let you defeat the Ruin Serpent quite quickly. Remember that you’ll need this boss to get the materials to ascend Yelan. That’s worth beating up a mythic snake any day.