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Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures Event is a flagship event in version 4.2 of Genshin Impact. In this event, players will be able to get Primogems and materials as usual, but the highlight is getting a free Freminet, the story’s main character. The event has several stages, mini-games, and several story acts in which the Traveler and Paimos will help Freminet finish a commission with an exceptional toy.
How To Complete Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures Event in Genshin Impact

The first part of the story is the mission of Water Imp’s Conjecture, where the Fontaine Fishing Association publishes a very strange commission. It will be up to the Traveler and Paimon to solve the mystery.
Water Imp’s Conjecture Quest
- Meet with the leader of the Fontaine Fishing Association
Go to the leader of the Fontaine Fishing Association, Delaroche; she will be outside the Court of Fontaine. She will ask you to go to Erinnyes to investigate the fish’s disappearance. - Investigate the Coast
In the area where the fish disappeared, you will find footprints for Freminet to appear. - Go to Freminet’s Camp
You will find Thelxie and unlock the Debug Motherboard Troubleshooting mini-game at the camp. - Look for Materials for Thelxie’s Weapon
Go diving with Freminet and use the Echoing Conch to look for materials. - Return to Camp
You will meet Freminet’s commissioner, and finishing the story will unlock the main event menu.
Prince’s Country Quest
- Go to Freminent’s Camp
- Look for the Kingdom of Water Imps
- Search materials for Thelxie’s crown
- Go to the Kingdom of Water Imps
- Defeat the opponents
- Return to the camp
Miraculous Crown Quest
- Go to Freminent’s Camp
- Look for Madame Zuria Destree in her House
- Go back to the Kingdom of Water Imps
- Defeat the opponents
Record for the Search for Glory
This part of the event is about exploration to find materials for Thelxie. You must use the Echoing Conch that appears in each challenge’s area to find Iridescent Glory. In some parts, you will have to defeat enemies, solve puzzles with Xenochromatic creatures, or search the area. These are all the locations:
- Stage 1
Use the Morte Region underwater Teleport Waypoint; it is the closest to the challenge. When you start the challenge, there will be streams that will take you near a marker on a rock, and the second one you will get by defeating the Hunter’s Ray. For the last one, you will need the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus ability.
- Stage 2
Use the Statue of the Seven of the Liffey Region and dive towards the challenge. First, you will need the Xenochromatic Jellyfish’s ability to destroy the red flowers. Then, swim to the bottom of a stone archway with plants. The last one will be a Sternshield Crab, which is on a rock that you must break.
- Stage 3
Use the underwater Teleport Waypoin in Chemin L’Espoir. For the first Iridescent Glory, you must defeat a group of blubberbeasts. For the second one, you will need the ability of the Xenochromatic crab to destroy a Bullet Barnacle. You will get the last one by defeating a group of underwater creatures.
Purgation Counterstrike

This is the combat part of Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures Event in Genshin Impact. In each stage, Thelxie will appear to give a different buff. These are the recommendations for each level:
- Stage 1 – Swirling Vortex’s Paean
For this part, the buff works best for Hyperbloom and Bloom Teams because of the additional Elemental Mastery you get from doing Hydro DMG. - Stage 2 – Poem of Thunder Intertwined
Hyperbloom and Quicken Teams are recommended in this stage due to the increased Energy Recharge and ATK, which are excellent for spawning Elemental Blast. - Stage 3 – Ode to the Winding Winds
The best is to use crowd-control characters and increase your team’s Crit Rate and DMG. - Stage 4 – Rejuvenating Aria
Characters that scale with HP and have an HP-draining mechanic are the best choice. - Stage 5 – Chorus of Triumphal Advance
In this stage, the most important thing is to keep more than 50% HP of your characters to take advantage of the buff.
It is necessary to manually claim all the rewards of each stage; in them, the game will give Primogems and Thelxie’s Badges. The Thelxie’s Badges are exchangeable for other materials, but also to get the free Freminet of this event.