There are loads of achievements listed in High on Life, but do you know how to get all of the hidden achievements? Like most games, There are always a few extra achievements that you can get simply by doing things that aren’t listed as achievement requirements. If you complete all of the achievements listed in-game, you won’t show that you have a perfect score. This is because there are 7 hidden achievements that you can get. Keep reading to learn how to get all hidden achievements in High on Life.

How to Get All Hidden Achievements in High on Life
- Fallout Doesn’t Let You Do This
- In order to get this achievement, you’ll have to find and defeat Slumsley
- First, Kenny will keep you from killing him, but after trying a few times, he will eventually give in, and you will be able to kill him to get the Fallout Doesn’t Let You Do This achievement
- Don’t Knife the Hand that Feeds
- For this achievement, you’ll be pressured by Gene to stab Knifey
- You can choose not to stab Knifey, but if you want to get the Don’t Knife the Hand That Feeds achievement, you’ll need to stab Knifey
- Eatin Good in the Neighborhood
- For this hidden achievement, you’ll need to locate an Applebee’s and eat there
- Once you’ve finished your meal at the fine establishment, you will complete the Eatin Good in the Neighborhood achievement, so long as you have paid your bill before you leave
- Gunning For Your Job
- This achievement can be completed by using Sweezy while you do the Krubis mission
- While you are on the mission, you’ll have to speak to Helen and let her know that you are the new boss, even if it isn’t true
- Then, you’ll be able to boss around the other employees
- Once you’ve given employees at least 3 different orders, you will have achieved the Gunning For Your Job achievement
- Playing Favorites
- As you play through your game, there will be a point where you are told you need to sacrifice one of your guns
- When this happens, Kenny will volunteer, making the choice seemingly easy
- However, if you sacrifice someone other than Kenny, you will complete the Playing Favorites achievement
- Carry Stan’s Load to Completion
- This achievement is pretty easy to achieve and also pretty self-explanatory
- Sometime throughout the game, Stan will give you a gift that’s slightly less-than-pleasant
- In order to complete the achievement, you’ll have to keep the gift in your inventory
- Once you’ve completed the game with Stan’s gift still in your inventory, you will complete the Carry Stan’s Load to Completion achievement
How to Find the Secret Movie Theater in High on Life
This is everything you need to know in order to complete all hidden achievements in High on Life. Be sure to check back for more useful guides, and as always, be safe and have fun!