Happy Star Wars Day to all of our fabulous readers! Today, more so than any other day, is the day where we can celebrate our favorite droids, fuzzy aliens, and stormtroopers that need a little target practice. If you haven’t been keyed on to the fun yet, let me help you out. Star Wars Fans refer to May the 4th as Star Wars Day for the sake of using the pun, “May the 4th Be With You”. Here are some fun ways to start the day!
Have A Marathon, Obviously!
There are countless opportunities for you to do this today! I know talking about Episodes I-III is a touchy subject, but TBS will be airing the first 6 movies all day long. Want to spice up your marathon? Invite a few friends over and play a Star Wars drinking game! Already seen the movies a 100 times? Check out the animated series or watch the Christmas specials. Basically, take in the day with any and all things Star Wars.
Play One of The Games
The Lego Star Wars games were actually my first introduction to the galaxy far, far away. (To be completely honest, I was 22 when I saw the movies for the first time. But I was instantly hooked.) Anyway! There are a handful of really great games that take place in the Star Wars Universe. The Force Unleashed, Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Battlefront, and if you’re feeling nostalgic, The Lego Star Wars series are all fan favorites among the Star Wars fandoms. I always enjoyed Star Wars Racer, as well if you’re looking for a little competition.
Do A Little Cosplay
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZuSqy9E2M[/embedyt]
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For those of you sad folk who have to embark into the real world today, there are ways that you can still wave your Star Wars flag proudly. Whether it’s Leia buns or Rey’s buns in the video provided, these are ways to bring the Force with you on any day of the week. The Youtube channel above is full of great nerdy hairstyles to fill all your cosplaying needs; I copy her hairstyles quite a bit. Obviously, rocking your favorite Star Wars attire is also obviously appropriate.
Do Some Light Reading 
If you’d prefer to do some light reading or some heavier reading, there is a Star Wars book out there for you! Comics, graphic novels, story books, and novels have all been made throughout the years. There are literally hundreds of options when it comes to this galactic reading material, so you might want to grab an opinion on where to start. The Star Wars Battlefront companion Twilight Company was received with pretty great reviews if you’re looking for a place to start.
Spend Some Money
There are quite a few sites having sales on some of their Star Wars merchandise. Sites like Amazon, ThinkGeek, and FatHeads are all having sales on their Star Wars goodies through the end of the week. If you wanted to grab one of the video games mentioned above, GOG and Steam are both having May the 4th sales. The Lego store is also having a special sale. With a purchase of $50 or more, you’ll receive a special R2-D2 set along with double VIP points on all Star Wars purchases.
Debate On Whether Who Shot First
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6PDcBhODqo[/embedyt]
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Come on, we all have an opinion on this already. Can you think of a better day to hash out the details? As much as I love Han Solo, I’ve always been in the opinion that he shot first.
What are some of the ways that you like to celebrate Star Wars Day? Let us know in the comments below, and may the force be with you all!