Since it first launched in 2017, Destiny 2 has maintained a legion of fans thanks to its satisfying gunplay, mysterious plot, and looter-shooter design. Bungie ensures there’s always another raid to undertake and another gun to find. This gameplay loop keeps fans coming back for a few (thousand) more hours with their Guardian. The game can be enjoyed solo, but it’s in multiplayer that the game’s at its best. That may explain why so many people remain attached to it years later. It’s a game about blasting aliens, but it’s also about friendship and community. So how many people play Destiny 2 in 2024? Here’s what you need to know.
How Many People Play Destiny 2?
(Updated on August 7, 2024 – updated player numbers and images)

It’s tough to estimate how many people play Destiny 2. The most reliable numbers come from SteamCharts. There the game currently has a monthly average of 56,018 players and a monthly peak of 100,435. Unfortunately, SteamCharts only tracks PC players, which represent 40% of the player base, according to Warmind. The game reached a peak of 314,379 players as recently as June but has been declining ever since. That’s natural. MMO populations always wax and wane with new updates and expansions.
Many criticized Sony’s decision to purchase the developer for a reported $3.7 billion. Despite that, Bungie and their hit looter-shooter have more than proved their quality. Every weapon in Destiny 2 feels fun and impactful, and it’s hard to find sharper or more enjoyable gunplay anywhere else. Add to that magic formula an almost endless stream of weapons, armor upgrades, and events, and it’s no wonder so many people play Destiny 2. There’s no telling how popular the game will be five years from now, but if history is anything to judge by, Destiny 2 isn’t going anywhere.