Taking down Alatreon in Monster Hunter: World isn’t easy, and the challenge only becomes greater when you decide to tackle this dragon solo. Without allies by your side, you’ll have nothing to fall back on except your own gear, skills, and preparation. It’s therefore best to study your enemy before ever confronting it. One of your greatest weapons against Alatreon as a solo player is information. Whether you’re wielding a Switch Axe or a Hunting Horn, you can take out Capcom‘s element-swapping dragon with the right preparation. Here’s everything you need to know about how to beat Alatreon solo in MHW.
MHW Solo Alatreon Guide

The key to beating Alatreon in MHW is elemental damage, and it’s even more important to know that if you’re tackling the dragon solo. Alatreon begins the fight in either Fire Active or Ice Active mode depending on the quest, and it then shifts to Dragon element before at last changing to the opposite of its starting element. That means if Alatreon begins the fight in Ice Active mode, it will transition first to Dragon element and then to Fire Active. The following table details which quests lead to which starting element:
Quest | Starting Element |
Blazing Black Twilight Dawn’s Triumph The Evening Star | Fire Active |
Dawn of the Death Star | Ice Active |
When Alatreon switches from Dragon to the next element, it will use its deadliest ability: Escaton Judgement. If you have not weakened the dragon by dealing elemental damage, this attack will one-shot you. Therefore, your top priority during this fight is dealing elemental damage to weaken Escaton Judgement and ensure you can survive long enough to kill the beast. Alatreon is highly weak to Ice when in Fire Active and highly weak to Fire when in Ice Active, so bringing a weapon of the proper element is key. Taking Alatreon on solo is almost impossible if you don’t deal with Escaton Judgment, so plan accordingly.
Other Tips
If you can break Alatreon’s horns during the second phase of the fight, it will transition back to its starting mode instead of transitioning to its third. That will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of whatever elemental weapon you bring. Use the Clutch Claw to mount the dragon’s head and slam it into a rock. Then focus your attacks on its horns when the dragon falls. Make sure you’re at full health before the dragon uses Escaton Judgement and then immediately consume Astera Jerkies or Max Potions to replenish the health you lose from the attack.
Sword and Shield, Insect Glaive, and Dual Blades are all good weapon matchups against Alatreon. Meanwhile, Bowgun, Lance, and Hammer are all bad matchups. When playing solo, stacking Health Boosters and similar recovery methods aren’t an option, so you’ll need to get creative. One strategy is to stay down if you get hit. That’s right, if you get smacked hard, take the L and wait on the ground for a moment before getting back up. Embarrassing as it might be, this is a great way to avoid getting caught in one of the dragon’s combos. If you want to know how to beat Alatreon in MHW, it’s better to endure a little shame than take a cart ride back to camp.
Monster Hunter: World is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and