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Malenia, Blade of Miquella is both the most memorable and the hardest boss in Elden Ring, a title she earned given her ability to completely obliterate your health bar, inflict massive amounts of Scarlet Rot, and heal. Relax though; she’s not unbeatable. Here’s how to defeat Malenia in Elden Ring.
How to Prepare for the Malenia Fight
Malenia will deal only Physical DMG, so make sure to equip either a Physical halving talisman (with the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman being my main pick) or prepare an Incantation capable of producing a similar effect.
During her second phase, she will also inflict massive amounts of Scarlet Rot buildup. To counter that, bring a few slices of Dappled White Cured Meat or equip the Immunizing Horn Charm. Using the Mottled Necklace in place of the latter can also do the trick. As a personal pick, I highly recommend getting Flame, Grant Me Strength for the fight. Using bleed weapons is also recommended for their ability to deal massive Hemorrhage damage. When facing her way back, I found success while using the Bloodhound’s Fang. Make sure to also bring a shield capable of completely negating physical damage on block.
Best Spirit Ashes for Malenia, Blade of Miquella
The best Spirit Ash for the Malenia fight is to no one’s surprise the Mimic Tear. The Spirit Ash is by far the best in the game and will excel by both dealing heavy damage to the boss and stealing her focus so that you can heal, use items, or perform some massive hits while relatively safe.
How To Parry in Elden RingIf you are opposed to using the Mimic or just want to try facing the boss without it, Black Knife Tiche excels at dodging her attacks during both phases and can also perform some mighty hits. On the downside, the Spirt Ash is relatively fragile (even at +10) and costs a hefty amount of FP (132).
How to Beat First Phase Malenia in Elden Ring

During her first phase, Malenia will mostly vary between performing simple slash sequences and a devastating lunge. Both moves can be avoided by staying just outside of her reach and performing key dodges to the left, so simply take your time and attack her in between her advances. You can also try parrying, although doing so is only recommended for those with nerves of steel. If you are using a Spirit Ash, use it at the beginning of the fight, as Malenia will in most cases only engage if you get close or lock on.
The biggest danger of the first phase, however, lies in her characteristic Waterfowl Dance. Malenia will add the attack to her arsenal once you deplete 25% of her health. The move will consist of her jumping into the air and (after a quick buildup) performing three flurries of strikes. When faced with it, create some distance before putting up your shield for the safest approach. Keep in mind that she will still heal per hit even if you block her slashes. After the move concludes, go back to the strategy above and follow it until her HP reaches zero.
How to Dodge Waterfowl Dance
If you lack the stamina needed to withstand the move, you can dodge Waterfowl Dance in most cases by running back once she begins its buildup and then performing rolls at the moment she begins its second and third flurry of attacks. Performing the Ash of War: Bloodhound Step can also allow you to avoid it.
As shown by Let Me Solo Her, you can also dodge the move from up close by moving slightly to Malenia’s left before rolling toward her during the first attack wave and then rolling away at key moments to create distance. Keep in mind that the player was able to do so while at top dodge speed, which is only achievable while carrying less than 30% of your weight limit.
How to Beat Malenia, Goddess of Rot in Elden Ring

After you deplete her first health bar, Malenia will bring forward the true might of the Goddess of Rot and immediately perform Scarlet Aeonia. During the move, she will rise upward before lunging downward. Upon hitting the ground, she will then produce a massive bloom. If you are within its AoE, the attack will both deal massive AoE damage and apply an absurd amount of Scarlet Rot buildup. To dodge the move, walk toward her once she takes to the skies (or stay directly below her) before simply rolling forward a few times after she lunges. Mastering the above is key here, as Malenia will perform it within 3-minute intervals without fail.
During her second phase, Malenia will also be able to use Scarlet Rot-infused versions of all of her phase one moves —including Waterfowl Dance. She will also gain access to a few combo finishers. To counter that and defeat her, focus once again on staying relatively close and only attempt to deal damage once she finishes her sequences. Be careful not to enter her reach and make sure to stay in constant movement to avoid her AoE attacks.
You can play Elden Ring right now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,