The famous All-father from Germanic mythology is the powerful Summon that dwells in the Nibel region. Before you can command Odin in battles, you must prove your worth by beating him in a fight. The knight won’t hold himself back and will attempt to hit you with various strong yet fast attacks that are hard to dodge. Many players may get stuck in this boss fight as they fall under the might of Odin in FF7 Rebirth.
FF7 Rebirth Odin Boss Fight Guide

If you want to beat Odin in FF7 Rebirth, you must learn to dodge. That’s not negotiable. If you get hit too much, the All-father will sound Gjallahorn’s Warning. Should you continue to fail to evade his attacks, then the Summon will unleash Zantetsuken.
This ultimate attack is an unblockable and undodgable move that will instantly kill your whole team. If you think you can cheese this fight by equipping anti-instant kill accessories like Safety Bit, think again. Odin won’t let such measly trinkets stop him from killing you. Death is the only proper punishment for disappointing the All-father!
Best Equipment & Materia
Okay, that’s not true, but you can give yourself a second chance by equipping Revival Earrings. This gear can revive your downed character, but it will get destroyed afterward. You can also use weapons with the Reprieve Weapon Skill to get the same effect.
- Cloud – Buster Sword and Umbral Blade
- Aerith – Ceremonial Staff
Phoenix is your best friend when fighting Odin in FF7 Rebirth. This lovely Summon can cast Reraise, which can automatically revive your downed teammates. Do note that this skill only becomes available after you visit all of the Phoenix’s Sanctuaries.
Team Composition
You want to bring the right allies into this fight. I prefer to use fast characters, such as Tifa, Red XIII, Cloud, and Yuffie, so you can easily dodge Odin’s attacks. Some players suggest bringing units with ranged attacks, such as Barret and Aerith, since they can hit the boss from afar, giving them ample time to dodge.
I highly recommend bringing Yuffie when fighting Odin in FF7 Rebirth. This hyperactive ninja is the best option since she can hit the boss with melee and ranged attacks. She is also much faster than Barret and Aerith.
Two of the possible team compositions that you can use in Odin boss fight:
- Melee Team – Tifa, Red XIII, Yuffie
- Ranged Team – Aerith, Barret, Yuffie
Battle Strategy in Odin Boss Fight in FF7 Rebirth

At the start of the fight, you want to cast Haste on your team so you can quickly gain ATB Gauge. You may also consider debuffing the boss with status ailments since he is not immune to some of them. Here is the list of status effects you can throw at Odin in FF7 Rebirth:
- Lesser Resistances
- Deprotect
- Deshell
- Debrave
- Defaith
- Greater Resistances
- Poison
If you are not good at dodging, you can try to shift between characters constantly. This strategy somewhat reduces the number of hits you may take because your allies’ AI can dodge some of Odin’s attacks. I actually received Gjallahorn’s Warning twice, but they were divided among my characters.
For example, Cloud receives Gjallahorn’s Warning, so you want to avoid controlling him too much. Even if Tifa gets Gjallahorn’s Warning afterward, she won’t trigger Zantetsuken immediately. It must be Cloud who gets hit again for Odin to unleash his ultimate attack in FF7 Rebirth.