Within the first day or two of your time in Sons of the Forest, you will come across Virginia, a mutant you can choose to befriend. Virginia is pretty unique, as far as the different characters we’ve seen so far in The Forest and Sons of the Forest go. She will be rather skittish at first, always backing away and running from you, but eventually, you can befriend her and keep her around along with Kelvin. Keep reading to learn how to befriend Virginia in Sons of the Forest.
Sons of the Forest: How to Befriend Virginia

When Virginia first approaches you, it’ll likely be the first time you come across any of the natives on the island, and you might be a bit scared. However, with Virginia, you don’t have to be. You should be able to tell who she is by her unique appearance. She shows up wearing a silver-colored bathing suit and has long blonde hair up in a ponytail. Here’s the kicker: she has three legs and three arms. You’ll definitely know who she is when you see her for the first time.
When Virginia first approaches you, don’t be scared. She won’t hurt you, especially if you haven’t attacked her at all. When she comes around, use the “G” key to put away any weapons you’re holding and walk up to her slowly. The few times that you do this, she will likely turn and run away as fast as she can. However, the more you do it, the less distance she will run.
As long as you haven’t attempted to attack Virginia, she will return to you.
After a while, she will allow you to approach her, and you will even be able to open your bag to give her weapons to use for you. You won’t be able to give her commands like you can with Kelvin, but she will stick around your base and even fight for you eventually. Sometimes, if you are lucky, she will even bring you gifts of resources she has picked up around the island to show her trust in you.
To recap:
- Put away any weapons anytime Virginia visits your base.
- Approach Virginia slowly.
- Continue to approach Virginia anytime she visits until she no longer runs away.
- Enjoy having Virginia at your base by dressing her up, accepting her gifts, and giving her weapons to aid in your fight against the cannibals.
Sons of the Forest is now available on PC.