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The best way to enhance your musical collection of creatures is through breeding, so you must learn how to breed Hoola in My Singing Monsters. Unlike traditional monsters like Mammott or Clamble, Hoola is a Seasonal Monster. Seasonal Monsters are challenging to breed because you can only do so during specific occasions. We’ll show you the right time for Hoola, what other monsters you need, and if there is any other way you can get your hands on this hula-hooping creature.
Breeding Hoola in My Singing Monsters

Hoola is a Seasonal Monster that many can mistake for an off-color PomPom. They’re incredibly cheerful but known to be troublemakers and pranksters. As for their closeness with PomPoms, the creatures get along like siblings. They even harmonize with Hoola creating a higher pitch that blends perfectly with the enthusiastic cheers from PomPom.
Funnily enough, PomPom further relates to Hoola for breeding in My Singing Monsters. You will need the following monsters to create your Hoola.
- PomPom
- Pango
There are further stipulations, however. If you want to breed Hoola in My Singing Monsters, you must be on Air Island or Earth Island. Additionally, this can only occur during the SummerSong season. It relates to the seasonal summer in the Northern Hemisphere and usually takes place in July and August.
It takes one day and one hour to breed Hoola. If you enhance the process, you can get it done in about 18 hours and 45 minutes.
You can always head to Seasonal Shanty to breed Hoola. However, you must already have a Hoola who has reached Level 15. Once there, you can use Hoola with different combinations of monsters to breed more. Try out these monsters for a good chance at breeding another Hoola in My Singing Monsters:
- Gobbleygourd
- Monculus
- Jam Boree
- Whiz-bang
- Clavavera
You can also breed Hoola with a Rare Hoola on Seasonal Shanty. To get your Rare Hoola, breed using PomPom and Pango, but while out of season.
What Does Hoola Like in My Singing Monsters?
After you breed Hoola in My Singing Monsters, it’s time to ensure it’s as happy as possible. You do this by keeping it around other monsters or things they care for. Tweedle is the only monster that will give Hoola a happiness boost. However, you can also set up various items nearby that will keep Hoola happy. Try placing the following items down:
- Castanevine (Level 18)
- SummerSong Path (Level 17)
- Tree Forte Tower (Level 17)
- Tree Hut (Level 17)
If you have a Rare Hoola, you can also set your Hoola nearby it. Hoola’s happiness will then increase.
My Singing Monsters: How to Breed Ghazt
My Singing Monsters is available for PC, iOS, and Android.