The Crack The Code DMZ mission is a Tier-5 Black Mous objective that may take some time to complete. This mission is among the most challenging tasks in the DMZ, and you need to be prepared for a massive fight in the Koschei Complex. Your objectives are finding a diamond drill and cracking open a safe to find the Bunker Safe Notes. You should also know that this mission has some alternate ways to discover its objectives, but here in this guide, we’ll show you the guaranteed method to do it.
What Are The Objectives of Crack The Code DMZ Mission?

- Find the diamond drill in Alpha Cluster.
- Crack open the Factory Admin room safe and extract the Bunker Safe Notes.
As you can see, these two objectives take place in the Koschei Complex, which means you’re signed up for an underground battle! But first and foremost, you need to be prepared. If you have enough sources, weapons, and armor, you’re good to go. If not, you better play a separate match sending time on gaining some extra loot. After you’ve geared up, it’s time to enter the Koschei Complex from one of its routes. These routes are marked with a question sign on our tac map in Al-Mazrah.

Remember, before heading inside, you must bring two car batteries and two jumper cables. Inside the Complex, you must use one set for the Chemical Plant’s bunker door and the other for opening the Alpha Cluster. Once you reach the Chemical Plant, you’ll spot the Alpha Cluster’s door with a sign you see in the image above. There’s a power box beside it to put the battery and cables inside.
After that, don’t enter the Alpha Cluster just yet. Search the dark area for the Factory Admin key, and once you’ve found the item, you can head inside the Alpha Cluster. This is for the ease of doing your second objective, as you would need to head to the Factor Admin section after you’ve found the diamond drill.
Where to Find The Diamond Drill in The Alpha Cluster?

If you have already passed the X Marks The Spot DMZ Mission, you’re familiar with the keypad-locked door in the Alpha Cluster. When you enter this section of the Koschei Complex, you’ll need to proceed to reach the server room. This is where the L2 Restricted doors are located, and you’ll spot the keypad-locked door near them.
You will need an R4D Detector to open this locked door, which can be found around as ground loot or in the Chemical Plant section. When you got one in your gears, press the L2/LT button to put it up. Look at the keypad with it, and you’ll spot three symbols. Each of these symbols here has an equivalent digit, which you must figure out yourself.
To find the meaning of each symbol in Crack The Code DMZ mission, look for the chalkboards in the server room, and scan them with R4D Detector. There are 7 boards in this area, and you’ll find the answer to this mystery by scanning them and finding each digit. After you figure out the three numbered codes, open the keypad-locked door, and you’ll spot the diamond drill on a table before you. Put it in your backpack, and you’ll finish the first objective of the Crack The Code DMZ mission.
Where is The Safe in Factory Admin Section in DMZ?

The second objective of the Crack The Code DMZ mission asks for two boss fights here, and you’ll need to do it quickly as there will be less time left after what you’ve been through. However, you can bring a Secure Backpack and store the diamond drill for another match. You must choose either way to proceed and enter the Factory Admin section in Koschei Complex here.
The Factory Admin bunker door is the one that requires the key to open, and you’ve probably found the key, as mentioned before entering the Alpha Cluster. This key is in the Chemical Plant, and you will find it after some searching. After that, open the Factory Admin door, and start the fight! There are tons of enemy AI units here in this area, and you’ll face the Rhino and the Sniper bosses as you proceed through. There’s also a safe extraction elevator here for the exfil.
How to Complete Security Checkpoint DMZ Mission in Season 4
Kill as many enemies as you can, and then stop the bosses. Next, if you head upstairs after the Sniper boss fights, you’ll find a small room with a safe inside. You can only open this safe with the diamond drill; you already have it! Cracking this safe is like any other safes in the DMZ maps, but it will take 2-3 minutes to open. After that, you’ll find a precious loot of all three palate carriers inside it. But what you need for extraction here is the Bunker Safe Notes. Store it in your backpack, and exfil it to complete the Crack The Code DMZ mission.
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