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Follow the Retreated Root is one of the missions that belongs to the Explore the Ocean quest line and is very appealing since it leads you to a new location. Here we’ll be breaking down how to start and complete Follow the Retreated Root in Coral Island. As part of this task, you will need to clean up the ocean as usual, but now you will also move and neutralize the black roots.
Coral Island: How to Start Follow the Retreated Quest

As you help Ling Jiang explore and clean up the ocean, you’ll progress until you reach the Follow the Retreated Root mission. It will become available to you as soon as you start actively getting rid of the darkened roots. You will have to go through a difficult path, interacting with stone artifacts on the ocean floor and clearing the path for radiant lines.
Once you are done, you’ll notice an updated task list that now states that you just need to follow the retreated root. It’s not difficult to do because you can spot them right away because of their large size. Retreated roots look like huge black roots that start to recede as soon as you approach them.
Coral Island: Follow the Retreated Root Walkthrough

Now head to the southwestern part of the map. Here you will find an orange coral staircase. Once you go down it, you’ll head even deeper and notice an uncleared area. Now, just clear the rubbish and follow the root. As soon as you approach an area with a root, it recedes, allowing you to explore a new area and continue cleaning the ocean. Thus, you will need to approach the roots about 4 to 5 times to unlock all available areas. On the way, you will also meet merfloks, locals who look identical to mermaids. They will be surprised at how fast you manage to get rid of the roots.
As you continue to follow the retreated root, you will eventually reach the Merfolk Kingdom, where the mermaids you met earlier live. As soon as you find the kingdom and approach the entrance, the Follow the Retreated Root quest will end, and you will have a new objective, namely Find a Way to Open the Gate. So, now you don’t have to follow the roots, but instead, solve a puzzle that will open up access to a new area and the opportunity to meet the Merflok people.