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Things get interesting in Assassin’s Creed Mirage when it’s time to find Ali Ibn Muhammad and complete Jailbreak. You’re making a name for yourself, helping kidnapped leaders, but this time, you’ve got nothing less than a prison full of guards. The leader of the rebels, Ali ibn Muhammad, is in the depths behind firm walls, and you will have to free him. To reach this goal, you must first have a clear strategic plan to enter the prison, or else fill your inventory with elixirs and engage in face-to-face combat. But we assure you, it is not the best option.
How To Complete Jailbreak in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

There are several ways to enter the Damascus prison without ending your life in the attempt. You can use tokens or parkour through the walls to free Ali ibn Muhammad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
Exchange a Power Token
Give a power token to the rebel outside the prison, on the eastern side of the Damascus gate. He will create a distraction by attacking the guards. Take advantage of the disturbance to enter undetected or to take advantage of the rebels’ help and eliminate a few guards. This option is OK but could raise suspicions amongst the guard’s notoriety system.
Exchange a Merchant Token
Go to the merchant in the west tower with two red coins on top of his head. You must give him a merchant favor token, and he’ll help you enter the prison. This option does not raise any suspicion to complete Jailbreak in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
Sneak In Through the Walls
Use Enkidu to scan the area from a better angle, and you’ll spot where the security guards are. Climb the walls from the left corner of the entrance gate to the Damascus prison. You will find a couple of guards on the rooftop, but they will be spread out so you can kill them stealthily.
Eliminate the guards near the bell or who have seen you enter. The latter will ring the bell to call for reinforcements. Once the roof is clear of enemies, you can start dropping down toward the inner courtyard using the same method without attracting too much attention. This is the least recommended option to complete Jailbreak in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
Where To Find Ali Ibn Muhammad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage?
If you use any token option, you’ll manage to reach the inner courtyard of the prison. If you are somewhere else, go to this location. Try to blend in among the people to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.
When you are ready, go to the east gate of the prison. Follow the path of the cells until you reach a sort of laundry room. You will be led by the screams of a man being beaten by a security guard. Finish the guard off, and get what information you can from the scene. Climb up to the bookshelf at the end of the room and cross the entrance.
How To Get the House of Wisdom Chest in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Go down the stairs until you reach a wide iron door. After hearing a dialogue between Ali Ibn Muhammad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage and his captors, you will know you are in the right place. Open this door and cross a couple of cells until you reach Ali.
In sum, to complete Jailbreak in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, follow these steps:
- Decide whether to use tokens to get extra help or parkour your way in.
- Reach the inner courtyard and head to the east gate.
- Keep heading in the hallway until you hear Ali’s screams.
- Rescue Ali, escape the prison, and lose the guards.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is available on PlayStation,