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This week in BitLife, we’re up against the Karate Kid Challenge, and I’m sure you have an idea of what we’ll have to do in order to complete it. We’ll start out as a boy in New Jersey, then learn a few new karate techniques while we’re still in high school. During that time, we’ll use those techniques to take care of the school bully and get a date with some impressive popularity. Finally, we’ll obtain a black belt after graduating. Let’s take a look at how, exactly, to complete the Karate Kid Challenge in BitLife.
Karate Kid Challenge Tasks
Before we jump right into completing the challenge this week, let’s look at the tasks we’re up against:
- Be born a male in New Jersey.
- Learn a karate technique while in high school.
- Fight with a bully.
- Date a girl with 50+ popularity in high school.
- Obtain a black belt in karate after high school.
Be Born a Male in New Jersey
To get started, unless you’re already a boy in New Jersey, you’ll need to start a new life after Surrendering your current life from the Activities tab. From there, choose to start a new Custom life. Set your Gender to Male, then set your Country to the United States, and finally, set your Place to Newark. After that, make sure you boost your Health, Willpower, and Discipline Attributes before you start your new life.
Learn a Karate Technique While in High School
Now, you’ll need to age up until you’re at least 8 years old. This is when martial arts classes will before available to you. At that point, head into the Activities tab and select the Mind & Body menu. From there, choose the Martial Arts submenu, and choose Karate from the various options available. Make sure you’re taking quite a few lessons each year to progress fast enough to learn new techniques. Throughout your lessons, you’ll have the possibility of learning new techniques and earning new belts, so once you get into high school, keep practicing as much as possible.
Fight With a Bully
Once you get into high school, you probably won’t have any issues finding a bully to fight. Oftentimes, an event will pop up saying that a classmate is bullying you or someone else in your class. Rather than ignoring their antics or reporting them to the principal, take matter into your own hands and Attack them.
Date a Girl With 50+ Popularity in High School
After you reach high school, dating is pretty easy, as well as finding a girl with high enough popularity. Head over to the School menu and select your school, them your classmates. From there, you’ll be able to view each of your classmates and determine which of them has a high enough popularity. From that point, spend some time complimenting them, hanging out with them and flirting with them until you can start dating them.
Obtain a Black Belt in Karate After High School
After you’ve graduated from high school, the only thing you need to do is make sure you continue your karate classes and practice as much as possible. At this point, you’ll need to pay for your own classes, so having a job is necessary, but you should be able to obtain a black belt within a couple of years of graduating.
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