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Guardians looking to reach a higher power level should be focusing on the Pathfinder system. One of the activities you can do is the Purifying Event, which includes the Frozen Fairway activity in Destiny 2. Doing this event will let you complete a node in the current Pathfinder tier and net you a few rewards. However, with the lack of a fast travel option to this area and a bit of a convoluted road to reach it, some Guardians might have a hard time completing this short event.
Where To Find the Purifying Event in Destiny 2
Since there isn’t a fast travel point at The Divide, you can reach it by heading first into The Blooming and following the shortcut you took for the Lost Sector during The Final Shape‘s campaign. Once inside, you can start tracking the objective by heading into your Pathfinder and selecting the Purifying Event node. Keep in mind that the current event is Frozen Fairway, so it might rotate later and change during Destiny 2‘s weekly reset.
How To Complete Frozen Fairway
Once you reach the location, you need to interact with the chest and head into the cave above the location. Contrary to other Overthrow events where you only have to fight certain enemies, here, you need to take a dark snowball-like object to where the chest is. To do so, shoot to ball to change its direction. It might be a bit tedious at first because the ball moves a lot and takes longer than expected. However, with a bit of patience and a good aim, you should be able to tackle the objective fast.
Once you put the ball in the right position, the Frozen Fairway event in Destiny 2 will be over, and you can head to your Pathfinder nodes to claim the rewards. While you can pick the right path to pursue in this progression system, doing the Purifying Event isn’t hard and should get you closer to completing a tier.