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This week in BitLife, we’re up against a whole new challenge, the Serial Dater Challenge. Throughout the weekend, we’ll be putting in some hard work as a police officer, but it might not be the most morally just work. We’ll be born in Florida where we’ll grow up and become a police officer, but not without taking advantage of our position. We’ll hook up with our boss and make sure we get a few murders in hopefully before we get caught and end up in prison. Let’s take a look at how to complete the Serial Dater Challenge in BitLife.
Serial Dater Challenge Tasks
Before we jump right into completing the challenge, let’s take a look at the tasks we’re up against this week:
- Be born a male in Florida.
- Become a police Officer.
- Hook up with your boss.
- Murder 2+ Lovers.
- Murder 2+ Enemies.
Be Born a Male in Florida
To begin with, if you aren’t already a male who was born in Florida, head over to the Surrender option within the Activities tab and choose to surrender your current life. From there, you can either create random lives until you get the one you want, or you can create a custom life with your Gender set to Male and your Place set to Orlando, and create your life after tweaking your attributes the way you’d like them.
Become a Police Officer
To become a police officer, you won’t have to go through any wild schooling or anything like that. Instead, you just need to turn 18 and graduate from secondary school, then head over to the Occupations tab and start searching for a full time job listing. The job you’ll likely be able to get is one of a Cadet, then climb the ladder in rank until you’re a full-blown police officer.
Hook Up With Your Boss
After you’ve gotten y our position as a police officer, it’s pretty easy to hook up with your boss. Head into the Occupations tab and select your coworkers. From there, pick your boss out from the list and start building your friendship with them. Once your relationship bar is all the way up with them, choose the Hook Up option.
Murder 2+ Lovers and Enemies
Once you’ve acquired a few lovers and enemies during your time as a police officer, it’s time to start murdering them. Head over to the Activities tab and choose the Crim menu. From there, choose the Murder option and choose at least two enemies and two lovers to murder. Once you’ve successfully murdered them, you will have completed the Serial Dater Challenge in BitLife.
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