One of the most important parts of Unicorn Overlord is learning how to create and edit units before engaging in combat. Contrary to other games where you can pick your characters in real-time and send them to the fray, here you must select them before starting a battle stage and stick with them. Furthermore, each army has a different formation, so knowing how to edit each one depending on its strengths and weaknesses is crucial.
How Do Units Work in Unicorn Overlord

Before we talk about how to create units in Unicorn Overlord, we need to see how they function in the game. Units are the group of characters you send into a fight. Each one holds up to six characters and requires a leader. As you progress through the game, you’ll be able to unlock new units and expand the current ones. If you’re starting your playthrough, each one will only hold up to two characters. You’ll need to do quests and progress the story to put more characters into one.
Creating a Unit
By heading to the main menu during your open-world exploration, you can press unit formation to see the ones you’ve unlocked. From there, you can do the following:
- Rearrange characters.
- Remove and add characters to units.
- Change a unit’s leader.
However, if you want to create a new unit besides the ones you have unlocked, you must spend Honors at Forts to unlock a new slot.
Editing a Unit
Inside the formation screen, you can move around your characters from any of the six spaces it has. However, if you’re in a battle stage, you can also edit your characters’ positions. Remember, you can only swap characters from one unit to another in the open world. Inside a combat stage, you can only swap positions inside the unit.
If you feel your formations are getting cluttered, we recommend farming Honors to unlock new slots. Doing so will allow you to experiment with certain characters and classes and adapt your army to different situations.