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The time has come. After the events of the first game, Henry finally comes face to face with one of his nemesis and has the opportunity to finally get rid of him and enact his revenge. However, it sounds easier said than done. During the main story of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you’ll get the option to face Istvan Toth and defeat him in different ways. Should you choose the honorable path, a challenging duel awaits you, so we’ve taken the liberty of gathering a few tips to eliminate this sword-stealing fellah once and for all.
The Dishonorable Way

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will give you two options to defeat Istvan Toth. The first option involves going the “dishonorable” way. I won’t spoil this, as the outcome is quite cool and has an amazing cinematic moment, but choosing this will skip the duel altogether. In truth, this is the easiest way to kill Toth, and if you feel he deserves a dishonorable death, pick this by all means.
Another option you get during “The Storm” quest is talking to him. However, I didn’t find any option that led to a peaceful resolution, but that might’ve been because my stats were too low. Ultimately, every option of the “Let’s Talk” dialog led me to a fight, which is what I’ll talk about below.
How To Defeat Istvan Toth in a Duel

Out of all the enemies you face in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Istvan Toth is the hardest to beat. A few things happen before this sequence, and Henry isn’t in the best condition. On top of that, you don’t have any of your gear, so you’ll be fighting with whatever you find around the castle and from some of the guards. On the other hand, Toth is as powerful as ever, so this makes the duel a bit more challenging. Here are a few tips to defeat Istvan:
- Before the game’s first point of no return, complete the Combat Training I and II quests at the Nomad’s Camp. The latter will unlock the Masterstrike technique, which will let you counter Istvan’s strikes easily.
- When sneaking around the castle, kill or knock out as many guards as you see and steal their gear. A shield and a helmet will help you a lot during the fight.
- Head to where the Alchemist station is, and you’ll find a few useful potions. Drink them all before the fight. They are not the best, but they will provide a bit of a boost during the duel.
You’ll likely have to try this fight more than once because even with the above tips, Istvan can kill you with one hit. Yet, if you manage to defeat him, you’ll get one of the series’ most awaited rewards that will help you considerably during your playthrough. Yes. I’m talking about the sword if it wasn’t clear enough.