Want to know how to defeat Monster Forces in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom? The Nintendo Switch blockbuster title features a variety of minibosses that Link will run into while exploring Hyrule. However, unlike Gleeok or Igneo Talus, the Monster Forces boss fight consists of a herd of different enemies. To make matters worse, their weapons are able to take down Link in just one strike. Here is how you can defeat Monster Forces in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and everything you will earn in return.
How To Defeat Monster Forces in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Monster Forces in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom are armies compiled of about six to seven Blue and Black Bokoblin as well as a much stronger Moblin. These are all fairly common enemies, but a Monster Forces battle can be few and far between in Hyrule. They mainly spawn within forest areas and are most populated in the Necluda regions. For instance, you are guaranteed to run into Monster Forces in West Necluda’s Fort Hateno and East Necluda’s Lurelin Village.
Upon encountering Monster Forces, you will find they are typically huddled together behind barriers, most often sleeping. If this is the case, it is best to approach the herd by crouching and delivering an attack with a wide damage radius. One excellent strategy is to fuse an arrow with a Flower Bomb and launch it at the middle of the pack. As a result, every enemy should take in fire damage for a short duration—making the fight much easier.
Once they spot you, the Bokoblins will either shoot standard arrows back or charge directly at you with fiery Sturdy Long Sticks. These attacks can take away as much as three hearts from Link, so be sure to keep your distance. Additionally, it is worthwhile to freeze enemies for a short period by fusing your arrows with White Chu Chu Jelly. If don’t have the material, you should consider fusing Flame or Frost Emitter to your weapons and swinging them to light the ground and enemies ablaze.

The Moblin is the last enemy you should go up against in Monster Forces. This is because the creature can easily end Link with its Arm Slam attack, which usually steals away four to five hearts. Luckily, Moblins are incredibly weak to headshots from arrows, so firing off around five shots should put down the enemy for good. You will then see the health bar at the top of the screen disappear after every member in the boss battle is conquered.
Of course, there is also a treasure trove of rewards to be gathered once you learn how to defeat Monster Forces in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. You can find the complete list of dropped items from Monster Forces below:
- Spiked Boko Bow
- Rusty Broadsword
- Sturdy Long Stick
- Black Bokoblin Horn
- Blue Bokoblin Horn
- Blue Moblin Horn
- Moblin Fang
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.