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Nergigante is a fearsome Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter World, known for hunting and eating other Elder Dragons. Nergigante serves as one of the tougher hunts, especially the first time you have to take down this spiky beast. While Monster Hunter World builds up this monster as an unbeatable force, like all monsters, it can be taken down. Before rushing in the fight Nergigante, you will want to make sure you have the appropriate equipment to deal the maximum amount of damage to it.
Nergigante Weaknesses in Monster Hunter World

Nergigante in Monster Hunter World is primarily weak to Thunder. It also has a secondary weakness to Dragon and is somewhat susceptible to all aliments. While Dragon or aliment weapons work well against it, using Thunder will maximize the amount of damage you are dealing. If you are looking to break parts on Nergigante, all three options of cut, blunt, and gun damage all work fairly well, although when it comes to weapon, your best bet is something fast and nimble, like Dual Blades. Nergigante is extremely fast and aggressive, so something heavy like a Great Sword will be hard to use effectively.
As for your armor, Nergigante does not deal damage of any specific element. It can inflict bleed with its spikes, but you don’t need to build around a specific element. Instead, you are going to want to bring whatever armor gives you the highest possible defense you can. This will be the highest rarity armor you can craft, with as many armor spheres as you can feed it. While you don’t need to worry about elemental damage, Nergigante hits like a truck in Monster Hunter World. Without strong armor, Nergigante can knock you out in a single hit pretty easily. Of course, the proper equipment is only half the battle.
Nergigante Hunting Strategies

The most important part of hunting Nergigante in Monster Hunter World is its spikes. Negigante grows spikes on its front legs, head, wings, and tail. These spikes start white and eventually turn black. While white, the spikes serve as a weak spot, where you can deal extra damage and even potentially break them. Once they turn black however, they become an armored section, where attacks deal less damage and can even deflect attacks. You want to either break the spikes while still white, or just pay enough attention to refocus your attacks when they turn black.
As for Nergigante, it is very aggressive in its attacks. It will take a lot of quick swipes at you while near it, but the big attacks are what you really need to look out for. When it flops over on its side, it will slide its back towards you, which you need to dodge to the side of. If Nergigante gets on its back legs, it will slam down on top of you. The most dangerous move in its arsenal is a dive bomb, which occurs when it flys into the air. The dive bomb is tricky, as a regular dodge will not get you far enough to avoid the attack. You will instead want to do a running dive out of the way or use an attack to escape the area.
The dive bomb attack can only happen once Nergigante has started growing spikes. If it does it while its spikes are black, it will shoot spikes out around it when it lands. The dive bomb attack resets its spikes, meaning that those spots on it are once again weak. Also, since Nergigante is an Elder Dragon, it is immune to traps.
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