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There are dozens of ways to die in Lethal Company, but mines are one of the easiest if you don’t know how to defuse them. Eyeless Dogs and other monsters may be scarier, but mines are arguably more dangerous in this sci-fi horror game. They won’t growl or stomp around to announce their presence, so if you or your friends aren’t paying attention, it’s easy to trigger a fatal explosion. Just like Turrets, these static traps are a feature of many moonbases, so you’ll need to learn to grapple with them eventually while working for the Company. Here is everything you need to know about how to defuse mines in Lethal Company.
How To Defuse Mines in Lethal Company

The first step if you want to defuse a mine in Lethal Company is to avoid dying to it in the first place. There’s good news and bad news here. The good news is you can easily recognize these silver discs and their blinking red lights. The bad news is they’re still easy to step on if you aren’t minding your step. It doesn’t help that they’re often tucked around tight corners or in narrow halls. Mines are pressure-sensitive, so while stepping on one won’t trigger an explosion, removing your weight from it will.
There are two methods to safely defuse a mine, but both require two players. If you’re playing solo, your only choice is to watch your step. Once a player has spotted a mine, their partner back on the ship can enter its ID into the ship’s terminal. Doing so will defuse the mine, but only for a few seconds, so get away from the mine as quickly as possible. The second method requires a Teleporter. Once the first player has stepped on a mine, the second player can teleport them to safety while the explosion triggers harmlessly.
Other Tips To Defuse a Mine
In addition to the blinking red light, mines give off an intermittent beeping noise. That can make detecting them easier in the dark or in areas obscured by steam or other hazards. If a Jester is chasing you, you may not have time to defuse a mine properly. One of your crewmates can always make a noble sacrifice by detonating the mine with their own body. They’ll die, but at least it will clear the way for the rest of you to escape. It’s not pretty, but defusing a mine in Lethal Company rarely is.
Lethal Company is available for PC in early access.