Survival games sometimes make it hard to find the specific ones you’re looking for. But each one usually has a certain looting area, so if you remember where to find them, you can farm them! In this case, we’re looking to find and farm coal in Nightingale, which leads us right to the underground caves.
Where To Find Coal in Nightingale

You can farm coal in caves in Nightingale. Caves are usually near the mountains, however, you may also come across coal rocks in the open areas as well. This doesn’t usually happen, but deserts and jungles might offer a bit of coal to you as well.
Now you should note that not all realms have caves inside them. The fastest way of farming coal as early as possible in Nightingale is by visiting the Provisioner realms. There are caves in there, and if you come across one, just have your Mining Pick at hand, ready to farm as much coal as you can. No worries about finding Provisioner realms, though. You’ll be guided to find their sites and cards as a part of the story objectives.
It’s crucial to find coal in Nightingale if you fancy wielding a rifle in the game. See, the ammunition of your weapons requires coal to build. And if you’re interested in crafting high-tier realm cards, you would need this resource for some reason. It’s worth noting that you’ll find coal in higher-tier realms as you progress in the game.

Additionally, coal appears as two different items in Nightingale:
- Coal can be found as a brown pile of stones. This type doesn’t need mining and can be acquired by only picking them up. You may find some of these in deserts and open areas around the caves.
- The other forms of coal are larger rocks that you’d need a Mining or Refined Pick to break first.
If you find a cave in Nightingale, don’t hesitate to farm coal in it, but remember that there are other resources in these areas. It’s definitely worth your time to check out the other rock-shaped resources inside the caves, which might have amounts of Sulphur and other types of gems for you.
Nightingale is currently available to play on PC via Steam.