The Roblox game Pet Catchers features a Treat item known as Golden Cherries, which has a 3.5% base chance of turning any pet into a shiny. They are considered a ‘secret’ item and must be obtained using very specific methods. Any self-respecting pet owner should have their inventory stacked with Golden Cherries in order to boost their pet’s value. Let’s discuss the best methods for how to farm Pet Catcher‘s Golden Cherries.
It would be much easier to farm for Golden Cherries as a more experienced player, so ensure that some of your pets are leveled-up considerably before attempting some of these methods, particularly the Boss Fights.
How to Farm Golden Cherries in Pet Catchers

Chance Methods
Fish For Them: This is one of the easiest AFK methods for farming Golden Cherries. There is only a 1/10K chance to get a Golden Cherry, but it is a viable approach. If you drink some Sea Elixir, the odds change to around 1/8K.
Dance Off and Ancient Dig Minigames: If you walk up to one of the Minigame NPCs you will see possible rewards and the Golden Cherries are a 1/200 chance after winning the game. Ancient Dig is one of the easiest ways to get Golden Cherries as you have the opportunity to search for a variety of different items and your chances are considerably higher than fishing alone.
Boss Fights: The Kraken XXV or King Slime boss fights also provide a 1/200 chance of receiving a Golden Cherry. But if you don’t have enough Respawn Tomes then your chances of getting Golden Cherries drop considerably.
Gem Trader: Another easy method for farming Golden Cherries is to simply trade for them with the Gem Trader in Sunset Shores. The Gem Trader usually offers three different kinds of rewards and one of those could very well be the Golden Cherry. They cost around 2.5K gems each.
Guaranteed Methods
Golden Cherry Shrine: A guaranteed method of farming Golden Cherries is — of course — the Golden Cherry Shrine. If you head over to Magma base and jump across to the left and reach the Golden Cherry Shrine, clicking it will secure 2x Golden Cherries. If you happen to be carrying some Prismatic Tomes, use those to reset the Golden Cherry Shrine immediately (rather than waiting hours) for instant extra cherries.
Bruh’s Bounty Board: Head over to Bruh’s Bounty Board to complete a series of quests, some of which will offer guaranteed Golden Cherries upon completion. Simply farm these quests for as long as you like.
Fishing Quest Board: Similar to Bruh’s Bounty Board, farming the Fishing Quest Board will also reward you with guaranteed Golden Cherries. These are the three most assured methods.
If all of this still sounds a little confusing or you’re simply more of a visual learner, frequent Pet Catchers streamer Elkonn has a handy guide for how to farm Golden Cherries super fast in Pet Catchers.