Unlocking all character skills and bonuses in Granblue Fantasy: Relink will require a lot of time and a huge amount of Mastery Points. For the latter, though, there are many ways to farm them that, thankfully, never get boring. Whether you like to run a few errands for townsfolk or beat some bosses to a pulp, this title gives players the freedom to choose what they want to grind. And, if you plan to participate in some endgame content, Mastery Points should be your priority.
Fastest Ways to Obtain Mastery Points in Granblue Fantasy: Relink
There are many ways to get Mastery Points in the game, but eventually, players will reach a point where obtaining them gets a bit stale. Luckily, we have a few recommendations on how to keep these points flowing, and all you need is a bit of patience and your favorite character.
Leveling Up

If you’re focusing on Granblue Fantasy: Relink‘s main story, you might’ve noticed a huge influx of Mastery Points coming at you as you progress through the chapters. The easiest way to get points in the early game is by following the main quests. However, we recommend spending your points on a character you plan on using until you unlock the Hard difficulty. If not, you’ll be spreading your points all over the place and wasting them on characters you might never use.
Finish Quests with a Good Ranking

While you can grind quests as much as possible, we recommend focusing on a few boss fights you find easy to master and doing them as much as your patience allows. If you obtain an S++ rank in some quests, you can get 200 Mastery Points, which is great for unlocking some of the best skills in the Mastery tree. Here, we recommend doing boss fights in co-op to finish them even faster.
Use Ambrosia

If you’re doing co-op, you might’ve earned a few Gold Dalia Badges already. By spending 30 Gold Dalia Badges, you can get one Ambrosia from Sierokarte’s shop, which gives you a good amount of Mastery Points. It’ll take a while to get the badges, but it is a good way to get points for characters you’ve left behind.
Don’t Ignore Optional Quests

Last but not least, do optional quests. These are the ones you find in town with a little dragon icon, and most of them only require you to bring items to NPCs. The great thing about these missions is that you’ll be completing them as you progress the story. All you need to do is find the NPC, take the quest, and who knows? You might already have everything you need to hand it in immediately. Some quests can grant you hundreds of Mastery Points.
Grinding Mastery Points in Granblue Fantasy: Relink might be hard at first. However, with patience and a bit of planning, you can get many points in a couple of hours. Furthermore, it is a perfect excuse to use all characters until you find the best one for you.