Finding a Diamond Fossil is like striking gold in Minecraft. Well, except you’re getting Diamonds. These rare, bone-y remnants can give you a valuable boost of Diamond Blocks, making them worth the extra effort to find. But locating them isn’t just about luck — knowing where and how to look will help you in the long run. Our guide is going to help you uncover these underground treasures and make the most of them in your game.
Minecraft: Where You Can Find Diamond Fossils?

First, you must remember that Fossils only spawn in three specific biomes: Desert, Swamp, and Mangrove Swamp exclusive to the Java Edition. Fossils can appear inside higher elevations, around 0 to 320 Y-coordinates, however, they’re more likely to appear underground– especially if you’re looking for Diamond Fossils.
Just like mining for Diamonds, you will want to dig deep between Y-8 and Y-63. You might also want to focus on layers below Y-40 if you intend to find Diamond Fossils. When found, Fossil Blocks have an 11% chance of being made of Diamond instead of regular Bone Blocks. Fossils are also still generated even if the ‘Generate Structures’ option is turned off.
Standard Fossils and Diamond Fossils only have a 1/64 chance of spawning with every chunk, making them extremely rare. If you’re really dying to find one, we suggest locating them with Chunkbase’s Fossil Finder App. Simply input your World’s seed, pick which Java version you’re playing on, and that’s it!
Hover your mouse on top of a black spot on the map and look for the ‘Fossil @ [coordinate]’ text on the screen. Use the /seed command if you’re not sure of your World’s seed. Then use the ‘/tp’ teleport command to quickly reach the Fossils’ location.

Mining Diamond Fossils usually lets you collect even more Diamonds compared to the standard Blocks in Minecraft. An Iron or stronger Pickaxes are needed to mine Diamond ores; Fortune III Enchantment will drop a maximum of 4 Diamonds.
Although mining the Diamond Fossil ores is important, you shouldn’t skip the Fossil bones. They are more than just decorative and have several uses:
- Mine the Bone Blocks for Bone Meal. Fossils are usually made of Bone Blocks, and one Block can be crafted into nine Bone Meals.
- Bone Meals can be used to fertilize crops, trees, and flowers so they grow quickly.
- Bone Meal is the key ingredient for white dye. It also works as a base for creating secondary dyes like pink, lime, or light blue.
- Bone Blocks have a unique texture and characteristics that can enhance Note Blocks; for example, making a xylophone sound.
Start digging and keep an eye out for those fossil-rich biomes. You might just uncover a treasure trove of Fossils, Diamonds, and other possibilities in Minecraft.