When you go inside the Stijl Bar just north of Bishamon Bridge in Sotenbori, you’ll meet the Puzzle-Solving Girl. To help this Like a Dragon Gaiden NPC out, you need to take a picture of a flying takoyaki. In case you don’t know, takoyaki is a Japanese round dumpling filled with octopus cuts. The crunchy golden dough is then smothered with tangy dark brown sauce. With that as a clue, you need to look out for a bunch of air-gliding, ball-shaped things around the area. But as weird as the Yakuza series can get, can you really find flying food somewhere in this game?
Like A Dragon Gaiden: Where is the Flying Takoyaki Location?

I’m sure you’ve found lots of weird happenings throughout the Like a Dragon games, but an actual flying meal sounds too outlandish. Thankfully, you don’t have to look for people throwing food or some kind of alien cuisine. Instead, your target is a food-shaped store sign somewhere in the Shofukucho area.
To find the Flying Takoyaki in Like a Dragon Gaiden, you will want to head to the Heavenly Cabaret Club. Open your map and look for E Shofukucho Street. It can be reached by heading northwest from Ashitaba Park. When you’ve reached Heavenly Cabaret Club, face west toward the building at the end of the four-way intersection. You should see a small octopus dumpling stall there. Look up, and there you have it, a huge, “flying” takoyaki sign ripe to be photographed.
Press Up on your gamepad or C on the keyboard to open your phone camera. Take a picture of the so-called Like a Dragon Gaiden Flying Takoyaki by pressing A or X on a controller or E on a keyboard. If you see Kiryu’s saying, “I took the photograph I was asked for… I should report back,” then you’ve taken the photo properly.
Now all you need is to head back to the Stijl Bar and speak with the Puzzle-Solving Girl NPC! If you forgot where she is, you can always check quest givers’s locations by opening the Support Map option in the Akame Network menu. Search for the “Find The Flying Takoyaki” request for this particular NPC’s position. Hand over the photo and you’ll be rewarded with 600 Akame Points.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is now available for PlayStation,