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An Update is Required to Continue is considered one of the most common as well as most frustrating errors in Fortnite, given how it will stop you from even entering the in-game menu. But did you know that the error is also one of the easiest to fix?
How To Restart Fortnite

As The An Update is Required to Continue error is triggered by attempting to play the game without installing its most recent patch; you can fix it by closing and then restarting Fortnite. Doing so will prompt the game to, by default, start the download and install the update before officially booting.
How To Restart Fortnite on PS5, PS4, Xbox , Xbox Series, PC, and Mobile
You can restart Fortnite in all of its available platforms by doing the following:
- PlayStation 5 and 4: Head to the Home Screen and press the Options button when over Fortnite before selecting Close Game. Select the title with X to reopen it.
- Xbox One and Series X/S: Head to the Home Screen (or hub) before pressing Menu and then selecting Quit while over Fortnite. After the game closes, select it again to open.
- PC: Go to your desktop, left-click on Fortnite, and then select Close before reopening the game through either the Epic Games Launcher or by selecting its icon.
- Mobile: Open your recent applications tab and head to Fortnite before swiping in any direction to close the app. Open the game again by selecting its icon.
If simply restarting the game does not work for you, then you will need to close the title before manually downloading the most recent update. Do not delete and reinstall the game, as doing so will have the same effect as manually updating it.
On the other hand, if you are experiencing the error with a fully updated game, it is very likely that you are trying to log in while the title is offline. In this case, the only thing you can do is wait for the servers to get back online so that you can update your game after booting it. No matter the case, server maintenance is the main reason for a game to go offline. In Fortnite, maintenance normally lasts from around 3 to 5 hours, depending on the situation at hand.
How To Check Out if Fortnite is Offline

You can check out the current status of the Fortnite servers and avoid the headache and stress that comes with booting the game only to be unable to play it by following Fortnite Status on X. Managed by the game’s team, the profile features up-to-the-minute updates on all sever-related problems.
Regularly checking the Fortnite main Battle Royale community on Reddit is also a great way to stay informed and avoid the Update Error. As an extra, you can also stay tuned on all the bugs the game’s team is working on by heading to the title’s official Trello board.
Now that you know how to fix the Fortnite Update is Required Error, consider checking out All Weekly Quests (& How To Complete Them) in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.
You can currently play Fortnite on PS5, PS4,