There are bows and arrows aplenty, but you won’t find any stealth archers here. Though Kingdom Come: Deliverance might look and feel like Skyrim in many ways, it’s a far grittier experience. The game doesn’t even have a bow reticle active by default. That can make lining up shots an exercise in frustration, and it’s a good way to die in the mud. We shouldn’t be surprised, considering your character isn’t even literate at the start of the game. So much for medieval ingenuity. Thankfully, we can fix that. Here’s how to get a bow reticle in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Reticle Guide
Struggling with low FPS is one thing. You shouldn’t have to struggle with your aim, too. There’s a way to add a bow reticle to Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but you won’t find it in the options menu. Instead, you’ll need to activate console commands. Unfortunately, this means only PC players have an easy way to add a bow reticle. If you’re amongst the fortunate few, here’s what you need to do next:
- Press tilde (~) to open the console command menu
- Type “wh_pl_showfirecursor 1” (without quotation marks) into the CC menu
- Press ENTER
- Press ESC to close the CC menu
Top 20 Best Skyrim PC ModsThe command will turn green in the CC menu to show it’s active, and a reticle will appear on your screen. If you want to disable the bow reticle again, reopen the CC menu and enter “wh_pl_showfirecursor 0” (without quotation marks). Using a bow reticle can make distant shots much easier in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, so if you’re struggling to land your arrows, it’s worth a try. Poor Henry has enough challenges in Bohemia. Why add another?
Shot Placement and Archery Tips
If you’re struggling to land shots without a bow reticle in Kingdom Come, don’t worry. There are a few tips that will make your life much easier. If you use the tip of your arrow as a marker, you’ll find that the closer you are to your target, the more your shot moves up and to the left. To compensate, aim lower and to the right of your intended target if you’re close up. Avoid adjusting your aim to avoid your movements clashing with Henry’s. Do that and you should be able to snipe birds’ nests out of trees for a tasty breakfast.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is available for PC, PlayStation 4,