By this point, you might’ve figured out that part of Granblue Fantasy: Relink‘s endgame consists of getting rare materials, such as Dragon Scale. While the main story provides players with several reagents to craft, those aiming to get the most powerful equipment will need to dive into some of the game’s most challenging quests. Thankfully, there are a few ways to get this material, so you won’t have to farm the same instance or quest over and over.
Where To Get Dragon Scales in Granblue Fantasy: Relink
People are quick to compare this game to Monster Hunter: World in terms of grinding, and they aren’t too wrong about it. There are many ways to get the materials in the game, such as Dragon Scale, and it’ll be up to you if you want to grind one quest or gather different reagents and then trade them with Sierokarte. Here are the two easiest ways to get Dragon Scale in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Wings of Antiquity Quest

The one early quest that guarantees a Dragon Scale drop is the Wings of Antiquity Quest. This is the mission you’ll need to take if you want to unlock Very Hard difficulty quests. It is a tough fight, and it has several mechanics that might be a surprise for you. However, the rewards are amazing and set the stage for better weapons and upgrades in the endgame.
Trade With Sierokarte

If you are tired of fighting the same Dragon, there is another way to get Dragon Scales that doesn’t require a lot of effort. You can get different materials and then trade with Sierokarte to get your scales. Here are the steps you must follow:
- Unlock Hard-difficulty quests.
- Take on the “Looming Tower, Leering Eye” quest.
- Farm Welkin Reflection x3 and Dark Liquid x3.
- Go to Sierokarte and trade them for one Dragon Scale.

This last option might take a while, but it is a good change of pace after beating down one poor boss over and over. The reason why Dragon Scales are so important is because this material is needed for the new weapons you unlock once you reach Very Hard difficulty. Furthermore, you’ll also need this reagent to remove the level cap of some weapons, so if you want your character and their armaments to be at the same level, you better start grinding soon.