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Shunko is a skill that’s exclusive to the Soul Reaper Race in Roblox Type Soul. When using the Speed Tree skill, you will get increased Hakuda damage as well as movement and attack speed for some time. Type Soul players can also upgrade it to the Advanced or Mukyu Shunko, augmenting it with elements and increasing its power even further. Obtaining this skill and its power-up is essential if you are playing with a Hakuda build.
Roblox Type Soul: How to Get Shunko

To get the normal Shunko, you need to have 20 Speed and 20 Hakuda first. After you’ve got the requirement, open your skill tree menu by pressing the N key. Go to the Speed Tree and you should find Shunko there. Click on the “Learn Skill” button to unlock it and then assign the skill to an empty number slot. As you need 20 Hakuda this skill is mostly useful for Fist users only.
How to Get Advanced/Mukyu Shunko

Now, to unlock Advanced or Mukyu Shunko in Roblox Type Soul, there are several requirements that you need to have:
- Unlock the normal Shunko.
- Reach Elite Grade.
- Own 3 Hogyoku Fragments.
Once you have collected all the prerequisites, head over to the Division 6 building in the northwest corner of Soul Society. The map is huge so finding and going from one place to another can take a lot of time. The easiest way to find Division 6 is by spawning on top of the tower and pressing the Comma (,) key on your keyboard. This will show all Division’s icons on your screen; The flower icon marks Division 6’s building.
Get inside the building and speak with the Division 6 Captain NPC. He’ll challenge you to a race: the one who can grip all 4 Arrancars first is the winner. Sometimes, you can get lucky and the Captain will suddenly stop doing anything. You can also try to hit or grip the Captain himself to make him freeze. Accept his challenge and win the race to obtain Advanced Shunko in Roblox Type Soul.

Roblox Type Soul provides three variants of Advanced Shunko, but you’ll get a random one from completing the Division 6 Captain’s quest. You have to buy the Advanced Shunko Reroll item for 300 Robux or get one from Raids to change between Shunko:
- Fire Shunko: Burns opponent with a crit that grabs through block.
- Ice Shunko: Slows down opponents, has mid-range crit, and can be used midair to extend combos.
- Wind Shunko: Crit will take the enemy to the air and open them up to combos.
If you still can’t use the Advanced Shunko in Roblox Type Soul, try rejoining the server and using it again.
Roblox Type Soul is available for PC, mobile devices, PlayStation, and