Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion also features the Materia system that lets you use skill or magic during battles. One of the best ones is Dualcast, a special Materia that allows Zack to cast two magic Materia spells in just one move — basically doubling its effect. Obviously, when combined with devastating magic Materia like Graviga and Energy, you can easily deal a huge amount of damage in a single swipe. Or making Curaga very quickly heal you when in trouble. Try pairing it with an Accessory that reduces Zack’s MP costs, such as Soul of Thamasa or Genji Helm. Sounds fun, right? Here’s how you can find and get the Dualcast Materia for Zack in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
How to Get Dualcast Materia in Crisis Core Reunion
There are actually three ways to obtain the Dualcast Materia during your playthrough of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion:
1. Find the Chest in “M9-4-1.”
Dualcast Materia can be found in one of the many Chests you encounter during Missions. To be specific, a Chest in “M9-4-1: Genesis’ Ambition” Mission contains the Dualcast Materia. This Chest is located in the southwestern part of the map, the room in the bottom left of the area.
2. Steal it From an Enemy in “M9-5-1.”
The second method is by using the Steal Command Materia on the Makonoid enemy. You should fight the Makonoid in the “M9-5-1: Hojo’s Monsters” Mission. When stolen, you can acquire Power Stone and Dualcast Materia from it.
3. Buy it From Network Shop Shade
Lastly, you can purchase the Dualcast Materia from the Network Shop Shade for 30,000 Gil. Unlock the Shop by completing the “M9-5-4: Abnormal Power” Mission.
Crisis Core Reunion: Should You Report the Reporter or Let Him Go?
Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is now available for PC, PS4, PS5,