Gold Wyverian Prints is a coveted trading material in Monster Hunter World. With it, you can purchase monsters’ rare Plates and Gems drops from the Elder Melder NPC. You will need those uncommon crafting materials to make the best weapons and armor in the game. Especially if you want to tackle the formidable Tempered Elder Dragons. No doubt collecting a bunch of them will not be an easy task even for a seasoned Hunter.
MHW: Where Can You Get Gold Wyverian Prints?
Gold Wyverian Prints in MHW can be obtained by two different methods. First, completing most of the weekly Limited Bounties will reward you with the item. Second, you can also get random items from helping lower-Ranked Hunters including the variety of Wyverian Prints.
Limited Bounties can be accessed by talking to the Resource Center NPCs: the Provisions Manager on Astera or the Pub Resource Manager in Seliana’s Gathering Hub. In the Resource Center Menu, press the “Register Bounty” button, then scroll to the “Limited” tab. Limited Bounties are downloadable weekly side-missions, so you will need an online connection to get them.
Similar to the standard Registered Bounty, Limited ones will task you to hunt a specific number of monsters or in particular hunting areas. However, if there’s a Festival currently running, the Limited Bounties Gold Wyverian Prints reward will be replaced by the corresponding Festival Tickets. The Limited Bounties will also change daily instead of weekly.
Meanwhile, with the release of the Iceborne expansion, Capcom added the Hunter Helper Reward system. By helping lower-Ranked Hunters through SOS or joining straight from the same Lobby, players can get additional bonus items at the end of the quest. Including Steel, Silver, as well as Gold Wyverian Prints. To be eligible for the Hunter Helper Reward, you have to be one Rank higher than the quest host, though.
For example, if you’re currently at High Rank, then assisting a Low Rank player should give you the Helper Reward. If you’re already at Master Rank, then it works by helping out both High and Low Rank players’ quests.
The more difficult the quest is, the better Hunter Helper Reward that you will get. Aiding High Rank Hunters defeating tough Elder Dragons like Teostra and Nergigante has the best chance of dropping Gold Wyverian Prints! For more explanation of how the system works, you can watch Capcom’s official introductory video below.
Nevertheless, there’s another way if you need to farm some Gems and Plates and have no internet access for the Bounties and Helper system. Check your Investigations in the Resource Center often and take the ones with the most golden boxes, those indicate there are bonus rare item rewards. For non-Elder Dragons, take the three-monsters quests and capture them as fast as you can. Multiple monster quests have lower monsters’ HP modifiers and capturing them yields the same reward as carving but can be done quicker. Don’t forget to break parts and tails and grab any shinies on the ground for bonus rewards.
In short, here are the two approaches you can do to farm Gold Wyverian Prints in MHW:
- Completing weekly Limited Bounties from the Resource Center.
- Master Rank players can try helping High Rank Hunters fight Elder Dragons for Hunter Helper Rewards.
- Rare materials like Plates and Gems can also drop from Investigations with golden reward boxes.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available on PlayStation 4,