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Do you want to know how to get Manticore Armor in Witcher 3? The Witcher 3 is a classic action RPG that will have players traversing a vast open world, completing numerous missions, killing various monsters, and on the way, collecting and crafting unique gear.
Manticore Armor is a Medium armor set that benefits alchemy builds, but it is available only at the Grandmaster level. It increases Toxicity tolerance and boosts resistance, slashing damage, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. It consists of armor pieces and swords, and if you have a certain number of pieces, your stats will increase. This guide will show you how to get Manticore Armor in The Witcher 3.
The Witcher 3: Manticore Armor Set
To get Manticore Armor in The Witcher 3, you need to collect all the armor diagrams and take them to the Grandmaster craftsman to craft them for you. One Grandmaster craftsman is located in Beauclair, Touissant’s main city. The armor set is scattered around Touissant but is available only on New Game+.
You need to find Lazare Lafargue’s Workshop and help Lafargue in a side quest that will help you craft your Manticore Armor. Ask the craftsman about the Manticore set, and you will unlock a Scavenger Hunt quest for the Manticore Armore diagrams.
The particular armor set consists of the following:
- Steel Sword
- Chest Armor
- Trousers and Boots
- Gauntlets
- Silver Sword

Where to Find Manticore Armor Diagrams
Once you launch the quest, you will be on a scavenger hunt for the Manticore Armor diagrams in The Witcher 3.
You will find the Steel Sword diagram on the top of the Bastoy Prison tower. Use the Witcher Senses to find the diagram stuck to the stone wall.
The chest piece is located in a cave south of the Termes Palace Ruins. Once in the cave, you will see a bunch of notes on its walls. On the back wall, you will find the diagram you seek.
Trousers and Boots of the Manticore Armor in The Witcher 3 are located in the temple north of the Prophet Lebioda Statue. Once inside a temple, you will find a weak wall that you should break easily with Aard. Diagrams are on the table in the corner.
The Gauntlets diagram of the Manticore Armor in The Witcher 3 is at the bottom of the lake northeast of Basane Farm.
Your last diagram is the Manticore Silver Sword, and it is found in a cave southwest of the Palace Gardens. There will be some monsters to slay and some beggars that will take away your coins. Use Aard on a wall to progress through the cave until you reach an altar on which you will see the diagrams.
To craft the Manticore Armor in The Witcher 3, you will also need the following crafting ingredients:
- One Shirt: buy from a merchant in White Orchard, Novigrad, Gildorf district, or Kaer Trolde Harbor
- Two Infused Slyzard Hides: craftable from one Cured Draconid Leather and one Infused Crystal
- Two Enriched Dimeritium Plates: craftable from two Dimeritium Ingots
- One Monster Brain: dropped by monsters
- One Monster Heart: dropped by monsters
Once you have all of this, go back to Grandmaster craftsman and let him craft the Manticore Armor for you.
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The Witcher 3 is now available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.